Discipline: Communications and Media

Analyze the impact of social media on society. Do you think the internet has more positive or negative effects on us as a society?Analyze the impact of social media on society. Do you think the internet has more positive or negative effects on us as a society?

Analyze the impact of social media on society. Do you think the internet has more positive or negative effects on us as a society?  (700-800 words)  Refer to readings and do your own research to bolster your points. Use 6-7 in-text citations. Keenan May, Peter Newcomb, “How the Web Was Won,” Vanity Fair, 2008. (https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2008/07/internet200807Links […]

Describe an interpersonal interaction that you were involved in. This should be a dyadic (2-person) interaction. Who was involved? What was said?Describe an interpersonal interaction that you were involved in. This should be a dyadic (2-person) interaction. Who was involved? What was said?

Describe an interpersonal interaction that you were involved in. This should be a dyadic (2-person) interaction. Who was involved? What was said? (20 points) Then, analyze the interaction through the lens of one of the interpersonal theories covered in lecture last week. How does the theory explain what was going on? (For example, using multiple […]

6. The relationship between the cultural and creative industries and the state in one country.6. The relationship between the cultural and creative industries and the state in one country.

  The report is designed primarily to develop your research skills.  It ought to be a piece of social scientific research into a particular area of the creative and cultural industries.  It should not be entirely technical nor should it be primarily conceptual.  The report should aim to provide a full overview of the individual topic by contextualising […]

5) What contributed to the increasing size and power of cultural industry corporations in the late 20th and early 21st centuries? Why do size and power matter?5) What contributed to the increasing size and power of cultural industry corporations in the late 20th and early 21st centuries? Why do size and power matter?

  The essay must be a substantial theoretical and analytical piece of work.  It is vital that you use a framework developed during the module to analyse concrete developments, i.e. you could use an economic, legislative or sociological approach to talk about developments in cultural industries. Do not simply describe future trends or speculate about what might happen in the next decade. […]

Submit a 1-2 page reflection on how your film uses movement and editing as defined by Chapters Three and Four in Understanding Movies. Use Takashi Miike’s 13 Assassins (2010).Submit a 1-2 page reflection on how your film uses movement and editing as defined by Chapters Three and Four in Understanding Movies. Use Takashi Miike’s 13 Assassins (2010).

Your paper should include: Cover Page Abstract, 1-2 Reflection Essay Reference Page Turnitin similarity score and AI cannot be higher than 25% Submit a 1-2 page reflection on how your film uses movement and editing as defined by Chapters Three and Four in Understanding Movies. Use Takashi Miike’s 13 Assassins (2010). Warning: 13 Assassins is […]

Apply communication research methods in studying communication problems and issues.Apply communication research methods in studying communication problems and issues.

Scholarly Paper Proposal:   The Scholarly Paper Proposal option is designed to address how the researcher would plan a qualitative research methodology to investigate a strategic communication management issue or study a communications problem. The capacity to know how to identify, collect preliminary information on and develop a research plan for a communications issue is […]

write a 400-word news release for an organization (a company, a charity, a foundation, etc.) that you invent.write a 400-word news release for an organization (a company, a charity, a foundation, etc.) that you invent.

For the first part: You will write a 400-word news release for an organization (a company, a charity, a foundation, etc.) that you invent. The release can cover anything about the company that would traditionally be handled by a news release: a product launch, an event, an executive hiring or promotion, and so on. The […]

What factors limit the spread of information, ideas, attitudes, norms, and behaviours in social networks?What factors limit the spread of information, ideas, attitudes, norms, and behaviours in social networks?

1. Writing Style: Academic style; 2. Research Essay Structure: The research essay should have the following contents: §  State the topic and research question(s) of the proposed research project, and explain why it is relevant (for science, for society, or for you personally). §  Discuss the main theories and perspectives you found in the literature. Explain […]

The topic presented can be anything media-related, from taking a position on video gaming to critically examining specific shows, platforms, networks, representation, channels, or the consequences of binge-watching. The topics are yours to explore.The topic presented can be anything media-related, from taking a position on video gaming to critically examining specific shows, platforms, networks, representation, channels, or the consequences of binge-watching. The topics are yours to explore.

You will prepare, research, and record a 6-8 minute oral PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides) exploring a media topic of interest. The topic presented can be anything media-related, from taking a position on video gaming to critically examining specific shows, platforms, networks, representation, channels, or the consequences of binge-watching. The topics are yours to explore. Remember […]

Why are digital technologies and social media so groundbreaking and revolutionary? Your answer must draw upon the textbook and incorporate a minimum of two chapters, preferably moreWhy are digital technologies and social media so groundbreaking and revolutionary? Your answer must draw upon the textbook and incorporate a minimum of two chapters, preferably more

  I do expect clear evidence in support of answers. Appropriate support includes detailed references to specific chapters, use of relevant examples, and logical conclusions drawn from the evidence. You must cite all sources in-text. By sources I mean name the chapter number and/or the author next to the material you are drawing from that chapter. If you use the […]