Discipline: Computer Science

What factors would contribute to the successful implementation of a DSR artifact in the field of Cybersecurity AI?What factors would contribute to the successful implementation of a DSR artifact in the field of Cybersecurity AI?

Create a literature review.  Your review should be a thorough overview of your method and the different ways in which this method has been used in the past.  The lit review should have an introduction paragraph that outlines the method you are studying and an overview of the areas you will touch in your lit […]

Presentation on Benefits and Possible Drawbacks of Adopting Cloud InfrastructurePresentation on Benefits and Possible Drawbacks of Adopting Cloud Infrastructure

In this step, you will prepare your presentation for the BallotOnline executives. This presentation should present them with a compelling business case and cover the benefits and possible drawbacks of adopting cloud infrastructure, data on cloud economics, and a demo of some basic cloud capabilities. As an IT analyst for BallotOnline, a company providing voting […]

Voice User Interface (VUI) Design in Website Development: Navigating the Voice-First EraVoice User Interface (VUI) Design in Website Development: Navigating the Voice-First Era

Voice User Interface (VUI) design has become increasingly important in website development [https://www.rangemakers.co.in/website-development-company.php], especially with the rise of voice assistants and smart devices in the voice-first era.  VUI design focuses on creating intuitive and seamless interactions between users and websites through spoken commands and responses. With voice commands becoming a preferred method of interaction, incorporating […]

Apply: Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 and Ethical Choice ExampleApply: Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 and Ethical Choice Example

The director of IT has indicated that the board of directors is compiling a corporate portfolio on ethics and has asked all departments to contribute information on how a code of ethics impacts daily decisions. The director of IT has asked for you to help by providing an example. Using the links provided, research at least 2 […]

Computer Science 3-2 Scenario Assignment Module Three: Hashing and Authentication Threats AssignmentComputer Science 3-2 Scenario Assignment Module Three: Hashing and Authentication Threats Assignment

For the Module Three assignment, students will be provided multiple scenarios that contain hypothetical situations pertaining to authentication and security protocols. Each of these situations will require the student to critically assess the situation and propose appropriate actions to be taken. This allows students to make practical application of the knowledge gained pertaining to authentication […]

. I’m going to do my final project on the social issue of diversity and inclusion in the tech industry and underrepresentation of certain ethnic groups. One aspect I will delve into is the gender gap and racial/ethnic diversity gap in the tech industry.. I’m going to do my final project on the social issue of diversity and inclusion in the tech industry and underrepresentation of certain ethnic groups. One aspect I will delve into is the gender gap and racial/ethnic diversity gap in the tech industry.

For your Final Project, you will create a PowerPoint presentation based on a topic from your current field of study. Since this is a fully online course and we do not meet in person in a traditional classroom setting, you will need to narrate this presentation so it can be viewed electronically. To assist in […]

developing an online sports goods application using HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT–suitable database systems (relational or non-relational) or frameworks (such as Flask, LAMP, Django, etc.) to implement these features.developing an online sports goods application using HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT–suitable database systems (relational or non-relational) or frameworks (such as Flask, LAMP, Django, etc.) to implement these features.

Project Description  You will be developing an online sports goods application for a store specializing in badminton equipment where customers can create an account and place orders. Similarly, the store managers will be able to add new items, update quantities, and track orders. Here are the modified requirements for the sports goods project: Sign up/Sign […]

Enhancing Communication Protocol Security: A Comparative Study of Intrusion Detection TechniquesEnhancing Communication Protocol Security: A Comparative Study of Intrusion Detection Techniques

The research paper should be four pages long not including cover page or appendices, in 10-point font, single spaced, and of publishable quality. The paper must adhere to the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. Must be fully cited, and all references must be included in the reference section at the end. All pages must be […]

Write a paper telling more about Artificial Intelligence, Ecommerce, intellectual property, or security. Write a paper summarizing the articles and why you picked this topic.Write a paper telling more about Artificial Intelligence, Ecommerce, intellectual property, or security. Write a paper summarizing the articles and why you picked this topic.

Project 9: Paper on Artificial Intelligence, Ecommerce, intellectual property or security APA format Find two or three recent articles about a topic in Ecommerce, intellectual property or security. Write a paper summarizing the articles and why you picked this topic. You must create the document in Microsoft Word. Try to answer all of the who, what, […]

Critique Industry Specific Cybersecurity Theories, Models, Standards, Frameworks and ControlsCritique Industry Specific Cybersecurity Theories, Models, Standards, Frameworks and Controls

This week you learned about industry-specific cybersecurity models, standards, frameworks, and controls. This assignment is designed to support your ability to further analyze the dynamics of specific industries and related risks and provide a critique of each as they relate to the implementation of risk mitigation and cybersecurity solutions for organizations belonging to the specific […]