Discipline: Computer Science

Cyber Security Management.Provide a central remote access solution for employees, third parties and partnersCyber Security Management.Provide a central remote access solution for employees, third parties and partners

I am required to prepare a cyber secuirty management report at Master’s level. The assignment is to create a consultant report based on case study 5 Provide a central remote access solution for employees, third parties and partners . The report should address the following sections:   High-Level Summary: Provide a 200-word summary of the client requirements and how […]

Are people becoming too dependent on computers, your paper should look at either the historical changes that shook up society or future changes being developed now that will shake up society?Are people becoming too dependent on computers, your paper should look at either the historical changes that shook up society or future changes being developed now that will shake up society?

Society is becoming increasingly dependent on computers and technology for functioning in every day life. Every aspect of our lives has been affected by the infiltration of computers and technology. Computers are used to conduct business from home, meet new friends and find old friends, maintain communications with distant family, and to met out some […]

Artificial Intelligence and Supply Chain Management: Select a Research MethodologyArtificial Intelligence and Supply Chain Management: Select a Research Methodology

Select the methodology you feel is most suitable for the research topic Artificial Intelligence and Supply Chain Management. Then write a paper explaining the methodology you intend to use, the research problem you would like to address, and the reasons you feel your selected methodology is appropriate for your research interests. Your paper should contain the […]

Cyber Security: Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in telecommunications as the industry is becoming more connected and cyber attacks are becoming more prevalent. As a result, there is a growing need for advanced cyber security.Cyber Security: Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in telecommunications as the industry is becoming more connected and cyber attacks are becoming more prevalent. As a result, there is a growing need for advanced cyber security.

Topic:  Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in telecommunications as the industry is becoming more connected and cyber attacks are becoming more prevalent. As a result, there is a growing need for advanced cyber security measures to protect networks, customer data, and other sensitive information. You must include at least ten references.Details of the Project:Research and […]

COSC175 Final Paper: Essay on Python *I will give a good tip as well, please help!COSC175 Final Paper: Essay on Python *I will give a good tip as well, please help!

Very Important read everything here please!!! Overview/Deliverable:  A comprehensive paper on all modules that showcase your knowledge from this course. You are welcome and encouraged to use techniques such as compare and contrast, use-case analysis, research methods, etc. while writing your paper. While descriptive writing is necessary, you must also utilize analytical writing to try […]

Perform additional internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a working professional.Perform additional internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a working professional.

Poly Voyager 60 Series Earbuds: A Premium Audio Experience (technewsworld.com) Please use this article.   Perform additional internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a working professional.

1. Software Engineering Course – Software Requirements Specification (SRS) & 2. Liberal Arts Capstone – Writing Project1. Software Engineering Course – Software Requirements Specification (SRS) & 2. Liberal Arts Capstone – Writing Project

Hello, I am starting 2 courses on June 5th, Software Engineering, and my Liberal Arts Capstone. I will not have access to the individual assignment details until the course starts on June 5th, but the basic outline of assignments are listed as follows. The software engineering course has 6 disscussion forum posts (250 words each), 6 written assignments […]

Evaluate Cybersecurity Options to Respond to State Laws that Regulate Generic OrganizationsEvaluate Cybersecurity Options to Respond to State Laws that Regulate Generic Organizations

Introduction Evaluate options to respond to state laws that regulate generic organizations. Select an organization with offices in at least six states and evaluate the implications of having to comply with at least six different laws. Include the implications on data retention, head office functions, and the ability to comply with laws when citizens of […]

Propositional Logic, Formula Interpretations, Satisfiability, Validity, and Logical Equivalence, SemanticsPropositional Logic, Formula Interpretations, Satisfiability, Validity, and Logical Equivalence, Semantics

Propositional Logic What is the language of Propositional Logic or Propositional Calculus? What is a propositional formula? Provide an example. Formula Interpretations What is a partial interpretation of a formula? Is it possible that the truth value of a formula can be determined in a partial interpretation? In the context of programming languages, where are […]

the properties of Digital Design from its inception till today, including the advent of Boolean algebra, Logic Gates and how they revolutionized today’s technology.the properties of Digital Design from its inception till today, including the advent of Boolean algebra, Logic Gates and how they revolutionized today’s technology.

Write a scientific research paper that investigates the properties of Digital Design from its inception till today, including the advent of Boolean algebra, Logic Gates and how they revolutionized today’s technology. Five pages minimum, with font size 11 and single line space. Remove name/class information. Refer to Global Learning/Written Communication competency in the rubric The research paper will include the following:  […]