Discipline: Computer Science

Develop Solutions Supporting General Federal Laws that Regulate Generic OrganizationsDevelop Solutions Supporting General Federal Laws that Regulate Generic Organizations

Develop solutions that can support general federal laws that regulate generic organizations. You will write an 8 page paper highlighting existing federal cybersecurity laws and regulations relevant to any organization, any sector, including what the laws mean and their impacts on organizations in several sectors. Instructions Write a paper that includes the following information: Explain […]

Signature Assignment: Compose a Risk Strategy, Enterprise Risk Management, and Maturity ModelsSignature Assignment: Compose a Risk Strategy, Enterprise Risk Management, and Maturity Models

This week, you will compose a persuasive presentation to senior and board-level executives within an organization (and remote attendees) with the primary goal of obtaining their support for and the allocation of sufficient resources to execute their plan as one of the core organizational objective areas specified within the current strategic plan. Need should be […]

To what extent does audio data compression affect auditory perception on people on different categories of age?To what extent does audio data compression affect auditory perception on people on different categories of age?

This essay has to explore and go through the most common types of audio compression algorithms and look at the potential effects they can have on auditory perception on people of different scales of age or categories of age. Considering the hearing loss or any other health problem related to auditory perception when ageing. Most importantly […]

Examine why information systems are vulnerable to destruction error and abuse. Analyze the various types of threats including malicious software, hackers and computer crime, internal threats, and software vulnerability.Examine why information systems are vulnerable to destruction error and abuse. Analyze the various types of threats including malicious software, hackers and computer crime, internal threats, and software vulnerability.

Writing Assignment Evaluation 1. Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion. The structure is a multi-paragraph essay, clearly developed with effective transitions and solid topic sentences.                                                                     2. Student demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the ideas in the assigned reading and critically evaluates/responds to those ideas in an analytical persuasive manner (i.e. graduate level).                                                                            3. Student […]

Your task will be to identify a necessary and useful artificial intelligence system that can solve a real-world problem. It needs to be unique; you may not use existing systems or products.Your task will be to identify a necessary and useful artificial intelligence system that can solve a real-world problem. It needs to be unique; you may not use existing systems or products.

For the final paper you will be asked to develop your outline proposal into an APA style paper. You should incorporate the sources you referenced in your outline. The paper should be between 7 and 10 pages, not including the cover, references and any appendices you wish to add, Times New Roman, size 12 font, 1–inch margins, double […]

Computer systems security foundation: Security Policies, Procedures, and Regulatory ComplianceComputer systems security foundation: Security Policies, Procedures, and Regulatory Compliance

Assignment Details Close Unit 4 – Individual Project (150 points) Due: Sun, Apr 30 |Printer Friendly Version Description Key Assignment Draft This week, you will submit a draft of your Key Assignment template. Be sure to add the new material to this document in Section 4. Remember to incorporate any previous feedback into the appropriate sections. The submission […]

Please show three current iPhone security methods based on three relevant publications Please make your new security method for your iPhone. Please show a professional perfect solution with necessary details.Please show three current iPhone security methods based on three relevant publications Please make your new security method for your iPhone. Please show a professional perfect solution with necessary details.

Please show three current iPhone security methods based on three relevant publications (please list the three publications, and cite them). Please make your new security method for your iPhone. Please show a professional perfect solution with necessary details.  This paper is for the subject Operating Systems. The paper should be written with that in mind. […]

Answer the questions: “Could RFID technology be used to become the mark of the beast? Why or why not?”Answer the questions: “Could RFID technology be used to become the mark of the beast? Why or why not?”

Answer the questions: “Could RFID technology be used to become the mark of the beast?  Why or why not?” Understand that this post is an intersection of Theology and Technology question. You cannot answer this post without considering both.Technology can be used for good. Think of all medical devices that have saved countless lives over […]

Help please!!! Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft Access & Excel – 15th edition – Case 10Help please!!! Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft Access & Excel – 15th edition – Case 10

  CREATING A SPREADSHEET FOR DECISION SUPPORT In this assignment, you produce a spreadsheet that models the problem. Then, in Assignment 2, you will use the spreadsheet to gather data and write a memorandum that explains your findings. In Assignment 3, you may be asked to prepare an oral presentation of your analysis. A spreadsheet […]

Help please!!! Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft Access & Excel – 15th edition – Case 6Help please!!! Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft Access & Excel – 15th edition – Case 6

  Problem CREATING A SPREADSHEET FOR DECISION SUPPORT In this assignment, you will produce a spreadsheet that models Philly Landscaping’s estimated 2017 revenues, expenses, and profits; provides forecasts of 10 years of cash flows for the company; and allows for the input of other variables to answer Steve’s questions. In Assignment 2, you will use […]