Discipline: Computer Science

7 steps to solving problem7 steps to solving problem

Part I: Review the “7 Steps to Solving a Problem” attachment above Part II: Read the story below:  You are currently working at a small company of about 100 employees. Your company just lost a very large client and therefore they need to let go of five employees in your department. The workload of the […]


Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Directions: First, read chapters 10-11 from the discrete mathmatics textbook. For each section listed below, choose 2 problems to complete. This will be a total of 24 questions to complete. Be sure to review the […]

You will work on developing a schedule for your entertainment website project. Gantt chart in Microsoft Project)You will work on developing a schedule for your entertainment website project. Gantt chart in Microsoft Project)

Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me learn. Complete Tasks 1-5 as described below. As we do not have access to MS Project, just use MS Excel. Save the answers in a Word document and Excel Workbook. In this assignment, you will work on developing aschedule for […]

computer architecture March 2computer architecture March 2

What is the significance of pipelining in computer architecture? Explain arithmetic and instruction pipelining methods with suitable examples.  What factors can cause the pipeline to deviate its normal performance? How the pipeline architecture improves the performance of the computer system? What are the major issues or hazards associated with pipelining?

Internship part 2Internship part 2

Week 2 assignment #1—related to cover letter   Using the lecture notes above, the video in this week’s discussion forum, and sources from the internet, write and submit a cover letter for a job you are interested in applying for. You can use indeed.com, careerbuilder.com, LinkedIn, or look for job opening on a company’s website to find […]

implementation Planimplementation Plan

You will now submit a detailed implementation plan and timeline for your policies and code of ethics. Your plan must include the potential problems with implementation and how you plan to overcome them. Your implementation plan will include, at a minimum: Establish an implementation team and each member’s role. Identify tasks required in implementation and […]

tree code with insertion and deletion in JAVAtree code with insertion and deletion in JAVA

1. Task Trace the operation of a 2-3-4 Tree (The instructor’s correct way) given the following operations: insert(47) insert(43) insert(23) insert(90) insert(95) insert(27) insert(67) insert(80) insert(88) insert(29) insert(59) insert(24) insert(69) insert(44) insert(71) insert(61) insert(99) insert(42) insert(38) Next, Delete the following items sequentially. delete(27) delete(38) delete(44) delete(95) delete(88) delete(59) Starting with an empty tree, perform the […]