Discipline: Computer Science

DB eight Project RiskDB eight Project Risk

 In two to three paragraphs, how is project risk analyzed and why does it need to be managed? Use examples from personal experience, the readings, or your own research to justify your answers. Cite all sources. Please make sure to respond to one student after you make your initial post by the due date. 

what have researchers learned about the impact of misinformation about COVID nineteen on social mediawhat have researchers learned about the impact of misinformation about COVID nineteen on social media

Objective summary  choose 4 research articles for this topic  In Class: You learned about the W(5) H(1) and completed Phase 2 on p. 13a of your Final ‘Mission’ Packet (Found in W. 4’s HW). This will be IMPORTANT for Week 6 so you MUST complete this before our next meeting. These notes will also help you with […]

network security layersnetwork security layers

 there are alternatives to passwords. Passwords are considered by many to be insecure and easy to break. So what are the alternative and how are they better? For this discussion you will research alternative to traditional password that are created by users. Choose an article and summarize your chosen alternative method of authentication. Do you […]

Explain the computer systemExplain the computer system

Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science project and need a reference to help me learn. The computer system is the collection of hardware and software that makes up a computer. It consists of the processor, memory, storage devices, input/output devices, and other components. The processor is the central processing unit (CPU) that processes […]

PA1 planPA1 plan

PLAN DUE:  03/01/23 BY 11:59 PM – PREFERABLY EARLIER Save your plan as YourLastNameFirstInitialSecNoPA1Plan.  Submit here the plan you will write from the planning video below.  The plan is worth 10 points.  The plan is graded as all or nothing.  The plan grade added to your PA1 will be what you earn for PA1.  Plan […]

roles and access privilegesroles and access privileges

  Part 1 The scenario for this assignment is based on the Acme Distribution Center, a fictitious company. You need to play the role of Sam, the system administrator. Acme is responsible for completing a huge target of 180,000 orders. It holds the reputation of having an extremely low error rate for the central distribution […]