Discipline: Computer Science

Draft analytical summaryDraft analytical summary

 Using your research and analysis from steps 1-6, prepare an eight-to-10-page analytical summary of your research in which you identify and discuss how wealthy nations and developing nations can and should work together to protect their homelands by improving cyber capacity at the national level. Your summary should address the following: 

Java- Play TetrisJava- Play Tetris

  Java programming need to develop game Play Tetris   Due Date: March 3 Need full solution: Problem Coverage 100% and 100% code path test coverage  Please feel free to improve and resubmit your code as many times as you like (before the deadline) in order to improve your score. 

Software -8Software -8

  Answer the following questions based on chapters 8 and 9. 1. Describe what needs to be done to manage risk on a project. When should this be done? How can a risk assessment matrix help in this process? 2. Discuss what needs to be done as part of closing a project. Why are these […]

Cybersecurity Strategy, Law, and Policy Team AssignmentCybersecurity Strategy, Law, and Policy Team Assignment

  Group Project #2 MUST have 20 external scholarly citations within the submission. The chief technology officer (CTO) has indicated that your organization has been requested by the National Security Council (NSC) to comment on the upcoming National Cybersecurity Strategy. The NSC has asked for specific recommendations as it relates to the next cybersecurity strategy, private/public […]

SP23MI Intro to CompSP23MI Intro to Comp

Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science exercise and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. BIOGRAPHY POEM I want to see what skills you have in word processing and desktop publishing while demonstrating creativity and learning about each other. Use different fonts [Home tab – Font Group], WordArt [Home tab – […]

C++ and PythonC++ and Python

Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me learn. Write a program that calculates the sum of all even numbers in a given range. The program should prompt the user to enter the lower and upper bounds of the range. The program should then use a loop to […]

Python helpPython help

Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me learn. Write a Python program that reads in a text file containing a list of numbers, and then calculates and outputs the average, minimum, and maximum of those numbers. The program should also prompt the user for a specific number […]