Discipline: Computer Science

Database Scenario:Database Scenario:

  Database Scenario: Jack from the local hardware store, Main Street Hardware, has come to you requesting your database development services. He needs a database that will store product inventory, including products on hand as well as the vendors from whom he purchases these products. He also wants to track sales. He describes the business […]

chapter 3chapter 3

Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. 1.Critics complain that guidelines can be what? 2. Name four (4) accessibility guidelines 3. When the task analysis is complete and the task objects and actions have been identified, the designer can choose from what five […]


Prepare a complete written work of two pages in a word file about the advances in your project with the following elements:  1. Explicit information of the Mission, Vision, SWOT elements, Possible Cross Impacts, and strategic objectives of your company  2. A list of types of software and social medias proposal according to the information […]

NA AK – Information security week 5NA AK – Information security week 5

Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Hello, Please answer the following questions as per the guidelines in separate word document Task 1 :: Week Five-Article Review, write in 2-3 pages 5 emerging security technologies set to level the battlefield =================================================================== Task […]

NA Sanju – Information security week 5NA Sanju – Information security week 5

Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Hello, Please answer the following questions as per the guidelines in separate word document Task 1 :: Week Five-Article Review, write in 2-3 pages 5 emerging security technologies set to level the battlefield =================================================================== Task […]