Discipline: Criminal Justice

Create a 10-12 slide presentation about the history and challenges of the parole system.Create a 10-12 slide presentation about the history and challenges of the parole system.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice question and need guidance to help me learn. The presentation should address the following: Historical summary of how the concept of parole has evolved over time The steps in the parole process The challenges that prisoners face on reentry to the community and methods to face these […]

Describe the stages of decomposition and the process of insect development (evidence and time lines of decomposition).Describe the stages of decomposition and the process of insect development (evidence and time lines of decomposition).

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. I need to “Describe the stages of decomposition and the process of insect development in relation to evidence and timelines of decomposition”, I have already described the stages of decomposition, but I’m not so sure about […]

Define the following key terms:Define the following key terms:

Define the following key terms: ( Please number your definitions and put your name on your paper and list reference(s) If the above information above is not included points will be deducted. Mean Median Mode Outliers Refined Median Skewed Distributions Weighted Mean Interquartile Range Standard Deviation Variance Write a two-page paper highlighting what you learned […]

forensic behavioralforensic behavioral

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. The iceman This is one of my favorite documentaries and I believe it is essential to understanding the dangerous behaviors behind Cluster B personality disorders. Consider this video a practice run and take notes as […]

Discussion #2Discussion #2

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Respond to this statement: Hello Devon and class, When it comes to antisocial behavior and its impact on recidivism, helpers should definitely examine the client’s behavior in the context of their environment- as you pointed […]

Criminal JusticeCriminal Justice

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b5-a4w3y72I View 2-3 of the optional resources that will assist you with writing your strategic plan. Submit a 1-2 page summary (combined) of the lessons learned from the resources.

CRJS Advanced DiscussionCRJS Advanced Discussion

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. For your initial discussion response, post a 3 to 5 paragraph analysis of your assigned quantitative research design Posttest Only Control Group Design:. Your analysis should include: A brief description of the design and where […]


Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice exercise and need a reference to help me learn. In death penalty cases, the Bible requires that a person be convicted only upon the testimony of two or more eyewitnesses. In the United States, as long as all requirements of the Constitution are satisfied, a person can […]

Reflection activityReflection activity

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Writing Decisions – Reflection Activity Select at least 3 of your discussion post initial responses and/or completed assignment from this course to use as you complete the activities below. Use the following strategies as you […]