Discipline: Criminology

Review your Week 1 Discussion. Choose a different forensic discipline that you now find interesting after learning more about it in this class and answer the following questions for your chosen discipline.Review your Week 1 Discussion. Choose a different forensic discipline that you now find interesting after learning more about it in this class and answer the following questions for your chosen discipline.

Review your Week 1 Discussion. Choose a different forensic discipline that you now find interesting after learning more about it in this class and answer the following questions for your chosen discipline.   1. What is it about this discipline that you find interesting? 2. Provide a brief description of how this discipline is used to solve […]

Introduction and Literature Review – Does restorative justice reduce incarceration rates among juveniles?Introduction and Literature Review – Does restorative justice reduce incarceration rates among juveniles?

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INTRODUCTION SECTION: A properly written introduction will help you, the researcher, clarify and structure your research proposal. 1) Introductions should generally be brief and to the point. By brief, we mean about 250-500 words or 1-2 standard double-spaced Word pages in length. 2) The introduction should start with a hook statement intended […]

CJUS830 :Conflict Resolution: Part 2 – Literature and Conceptualization AssignmentCJUS830 :Conflict Resolution: Part 2 – Literature and Conceptualization Assignment

  Overview    This Conflict Resolution: Part 2 – Literature and Conceptualization Assignment will, eventually, comprise the second section of your Conflict Resolution: Part 4 – Proposal Assignment. The Conflict Resolution: Part 2 – Literature and Conceptualization Assignment will consist of a thorough review of the literature pertaining to the identified conflict as well as the […]

Compare the Differences Between the NIMS (National Incident Management System) and a Local CommandCompare the Differences Between the NIMS (National Incident Management System) and a Local Command

Instruction: you are a state homeland security official. A city emergency manager has asked you why their city emergency management personnel should use the NIMS rather than developing their own command and control system.  Analyze the differences in using the National Incident Management System as opposed to emergency management personnel developing an ad hoc command system […]

Write an essay (approximately 1-2 pages) that addresses how does the mission of an organization influence and impact management.Write an essay (approximately 1-2 pages) that addresses how does the mission of an organization influence and impact management.

Effectiveness of mission statements in organizations: A review. Journal of Management & Organization,18(4), 430–444.  Use the readings in preparation for the written essay mentioned below: Write an essay (approximately 1-2 pages) that addresses how does the mission of an organization influence and impact management.

Continuing with the readings in Chapter 7 -in a 1-page chart format, compare and contrast Features of the organization of prisons and the organization of community corrections.Continuing with the readings in Chapter 7 -in a 1-page chart format, compare and contrast Features of the organization of prisons and the organization of community corrections.

 Continuing with the readings in Chapter 7 -in a 1-page chart format, compare and contrast Features of the organization of prisons and the organization of community corrections. Use the Textbook ONLY and therefore you will have ONLY 1 Reference. Note, your 1 reference in APA 7th edition style. Textbook below  Setter, R. P. (2017). Correctional administration: […]

Identify the basic ways that nicotine and carbon monoxide contribute to the development of coronary heart disease (CHD). Examine the relationship between CHD and other health consequences of nicotine use.Identify the basic ways that nicotine and carbon monoxide contribute to the development of coronary heart disease (CHD). Examine the relationship between CHD and other health consequences of nicotine use.

Identify the basic ways that nicotine and carbon monoxide contribute to the development of coronary heart disease (CHD). Examine the relationship between CHD and other health consequences of nicotine use. MUST CITE THE BOOK: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice Levinthal, Brusman-Lovins, 2020Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-135-18003-7

Any criminal justice or social science related research topic that interests you.Any criminal justice or social science related research topic that interests you.

For this assignment you will find three peer-reviewed journal articles related to any criminal justice or social science related research topic that interests you and create an APA formatted reference page. All three references must be properly cited in APA format (7th Edition). For each source include the following in your reference page: Authors’ names and initials, publication […]

The issue of Human Trafficking is a widespread problem that affects the entire world. What measures is Law Enforcement taking to address this issue, and what can ordinary people do to assist in the fight against trafficking?The issue of Human Trafficking is a widespread problem that affects the entire world. What measures is Law Enforcement taking to address this issue, and what can ordinary people do to assist in the fight against trafficking?

Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions (see attached Criminal Justice Formal Written Paper Grading Criteria below) STEP 8. TYPE FINAL PAPER Each student is required to complete the term project, which is a 15-20 page (not counting the cover, abstract and reference page) research paper in proper APA format. […]

CJUS 740 : Advanced Research Design – 7-7-23 PM 8-40 175961 7pp Full Prajin.docx make correctionsCJUS 740 : Advanced Research Design – 7-7-23 PM 8-40 175961 7pp Full Prajin.docx make corrections

see  7-7-23 PM 8-40 175961 7pp Full Prajin.docx and make corrections   Instructions use  WK5_Research Paper_Prajin 06182023.docx select an article from the assignment five years or less  Read the article and write a 4-page review that includes the following: 1.      A brief description of what the article addresses. 2.      A summary of what the article […]