n a PowerPoint Presentation, develop your own organizational chart about signs of deception and discuss various concepts regarding the methods of detecting deception. The assignment is graded based on providing the organizational chart – 5 points, the substance of the PowerPoint (including organization and creativity) -10 points, the video-10 points, and Providing references in APA format 7th ed. – 5 points. […]
Discipline: Criminology
Based on your personal court observations, critically discuss issues of triviality and due process as they operate in the summary jurisdictionBased on your personal court observations, critically discuss issues of triviality and due process as they operate in the summary jurisdiction
Your Focus and Argument This assessment is predominantly a process exercise, conducted against the backdrop of the materials in chapter 4 ‘The Criminal Process’. That does not mean that you should not discuss substantive issues (i.e. what the case is about and questions of law involved), but if you do, it is important to locate […]
Comparative Analysis on 5 different mass shootings, applying 2 theories I chose.Comparative Analysis on 5 different mass shootings, applying 2 theories I chose.
Comparative Analysis. Now that you have selected five (5) cases to analyze in your final paper, it is time for you to conduct a comparative analysis to test if your theories/explanations/factors explain the occurrence of incidents. ‘Comparative analysis’ is a fancy name for comparing and contrasting. Does the theories that you selected played a role […]
Discussion Replies: Do We Expect Too Much in Disaster Management/Homeland Security and Course Reflection Time?Discussion Replies: Do We Expect Too Much in Disaster Management/Homeland Security and Course Reflection Time?
Reply 1. Derrick Based on your readings from the text and your own research, do you think the average citizen expects too much from the various levels of government when it comes to disaster management or terrorism related matters? Consider all 4 phases of disaster management. Why do you think citizens are the way you […]
Providing treatment for violent offenders. What specific strategies are most effective for working with sex offenders in a community?Providing treatment for violent offenders. What specific strategies are most effective for working with sex offenders in a community?
For this journal do not provide an in-text citations and references. However, do not violate copyrighted information and do not plagiarize. We must learn to express our opinions to a broader audience. Therefore, we will not be able to cite sources in certain spaces. Nonetheless, we must seek information form credible references and sources that […]
understanding of the impact of drugs in another country, besides the United States.understanding of the impact of drugs in another country, besides the United States.
The student will develop a powerpoint presentation that will include 20-25 slides detailing a thorough understanding of the impact of drugs in another country, besides the United States. This will include the impact that drugs have on crime in that selected country. To obtain full credit, the student must present a detailed researched project that […]
How did the English convict prison system aim to rehabilitate prisoners both mentally and physically during the period 1853-1948?How did the English convict prison system aim to rehabilitate prisoners both mentally and physically during the period 1853-1948?
From lecturer: This question is not just asking you to simply repeat the facts concerning convict prisons parrot fashion. Neither is it asking you to discuss transportation, borstal, local prisons, or non-custodial alternatives – so stick to the question! It is asking you to discuss WHY a variety of measures were used in the convict prison system […]
Week Five Discussion Board – Is the Caller the Killer? Understanding the Impact of 911 Call AnalysisWeek Five Discussion Board – Is the Caller the Killer? Understanding the Impact of 911 Call Analysis
For this discussion board you are required to do some research that goes beyond the provided resources in this week’s module folder and investigate an incredibly important topic in criminal investigations – the role of 911 call analysis. 1. Who is Tracy Harpster? In answering this question, please make sure you tell me Harpster’s professional […]
How can we effectively limit the production of drugs when the countries they are grown in do not cooperate?How can we effectively limit the production of drugs when the countries they are grown in do not cooperate?
“But because no other crop came even close to the value of poppies, we needed the threat of eradication to force farmers to accept less-lucrative alternatives. (Eradication was an essential component of successful anti-poppy efforts in Guatemala, Southeast Asia and Pakistan.) But Karzai had long opposed aerial eradication, saying it would be misunderstood as some […]
We hear of corruption in major metropolitan police departments; are you surprised to hear of this level of corruption in a smaller jurisdiction?We hear of corruption in major metropolitan police departments; are you surprised to hear of this level of corruption in a smaller jurisdiction?
In 2006, Sheriff Harold Franklin Cassell and 17 members of his department were arrested on drug and other charges. The accusations involve them stealing cocaine and marijuana, distributing steroids and weapons on the street, and possession of ketamine (often used as a “date-rape ” drug) at a location that sheriff’s deputies used for parties and […]