Research Paper – Due Jun 19, 2023 11:59 PM CMRJ303 I001 Spring 2023 Assignment Instructions Instructions Research Paper/Term Project: (Due Week 7)Each student is required to complete the term project, which is an 8–10-page research paper in APA Style. The project should have 8-10 pages not counting the cover, abstract and reference page. Assignment Instructions […]
Discipline: Criminology
community and problem oriented policing, main idea, how it relates to helping the future of policing, with addressing the tensions between the community and police, solutions police implemented to help with community issues or possible solutions (2018-nowcommunity and problem oriented policing, main idea, how it relates to helping the future of policing, with addressing the tensions between the community and police, solutions police implemented to help with community issues or possible solutions (2018-now
Find an article from 2018 or newer discussing Community Policing and/or Problem-Oriented Policing. In 2 to 3 pages double spaced, discuss the main idea of the article and how it relates to helping the future of policing, specifically with addressing the tensions between the community and police. Additionally, discuss solutions police implemented to help with community issues […]
Imagine you are an instructor for a law enforcement academy with an entry level class of 250 officers. You must explain rational choice, Chicago School, positivism, community policing, and broken windows theories.Imagine you are an instructor for a law enforcement academy with an entry level class of 250 officers. You must explain rational choice, Chicago School, positivism, community policing, and broken windows theories.
30 words per slide in speakers note and it requires 12 slides. please send me a message if anything else is needed. Exam Content Imagine you are an instructor for a law enforcement academy with an entry level class of 250 officers. You must explain rational choice, Chicago School, positivism, community policing, and broken windows […]
Race Reflection Paper: In what ways and areas of the criminal legal system do we see race impact the adjudication process?Race Reflection Paper: In what ways and areas of the criminal legal system do we see race impact the adjudication process?
In what ways and areas of the criminal legal system do we see race impact the adjudication process? Pick one processing point in the criminal legal system, i.e., arrest, bail, plea bargaining, charging, conviction, sentencing, probation, incarceration, or parole and write a paper that identifies racial or ethnic disparity within that process. In this paper […]
Imagine you are a field training officer who has been mandated to prepare and present a short lesson plan explaining the origin of rational choice theory and how it affected the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.Imagine you are a field training officer who has been mandated to prepare and present a short lesson plan explaining the origin of rational choice theory and how it affected the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Assignment Content Imagine you are a field training officer who has been mandated to prepare and present a short lesson plan explaining the origin of rational choice theory and how it affected the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Create a handout of approximately 350 to 525 words that identifies the major components used in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of […]
examine the Target data breach and evaluate its impact on both the individuals and the business.examine the Target data breach and evaluate its impact on both the individuals and the business.
First, explain the cybercrime that took place. Next, explain how this crime affected individuals. Explain how this crime affected the business. Then, indicate whether this example of cybercrime would modify your behavior as a consumer. If so, how? If not, explain your answer. Last, indicate whether you or anyone you know has been affected by […]
The separation of the juvenile court from the adult court for hearing juvenile delinquency cases is a major social justice statement.The separation of the juvenile court from the adult court for hearing juvenile delinquency cases is a major social justice statement.
Do you think the philosophy of the juvenile court system should be rehabilitative or punitive? Defend your position? Defend your position. Do you think Child Protective Services has “run its course” like some critics suggest? Or should it be revamped? How would you revamp such a service? Teen courts have become a popular option for […]
Outline the Context and the Importance of the Problem and the Pre-Existing Policies, Policy Options, and the Research sectionsOutline the Context and the Importance of the Problem and the Pre-Existing Policies, Policy Options, and the Research sections
In a Word document, copy and paste your thesis statement at the top of the page. Then copy and paste the seven required section headings in your Word document (see below). Next build a general outline of your capstone research paper, which lays out summary statements of the information that you will include in your […]
Empirical Research Article Review for Capstone Project on Serial Killings or First Degree MurderEmpirical Research Article Review for Capstone Project on Serial Killings or First Degree Murder
Select a crime problem for your Capstone, either serial killings or first degree murder ( you can choose whichever one you find the most sources for)// you should start searching various academic databases, such as Galileo, Google-Scholar, JSTOR, PsycINFO, Sociological Abstracts, EBSCOHost, etc. for empirical research articles from peer-reviewed academic journals. Over the semester, you […]
Critically assess the contribution psychology has made to our understanding of jury’s decision makingCritically assess the contribution psychology has made to our understanding of jury’s decision making
will need to consider how psychology contributed to the understanding of jury’s decision making (and critically asses studies that looked at factors/biases that can influence juries’ decisions) and research around processes that can influence jurors. You will need to look at the implications of this and will need to consider the empirical work, and psychology’s […]