Discipline: Cyber Security

Assessing Readiness of Tanzania Public institutions toward the adoption of Digital signature Authentication Using Asymmetric key cryptograph algorithmAssessing Readiness of Tanzania Public institutions toward the adoption of Digital signature Authentication Using Asymmetric key cryptograph algorithm

hi i need a help to write a research proposal for the topic mentioned in my order with the following requirement. 1.At least 25 pagies  2.the writter should submite to me all cited riview paper in.pdf  3.Time should not exceed 31/08/2023 4.The writer should be write the proposal with consideration of my fucult is cybersecurity […]

Your Experience with Technical Writing & An interview about personas in technical writingYour Experience with Technical Writing & An interview about personas in technical writing

 the first set of resources available to you is title What is Technical Writing?  Included in that list of resources is a link to the Society for Technical Communications (STC) and access to chapter 1 of a textbook, Technical Writing for Business People.   http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?url=http://library.books24x7.com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/library.asp?^B&bookID=149074 The following link from the Society for Technical Communications (STC): Defining Technical Communication https://www.stc.org/about-stc/defining-technical-communication/ What writing […]

Module 04 Course Project – Business Firewall Solutions Module 04 Course Project – Business Firewall SolutionsModule 04 Course Project – Business Firewall Solutions Module 04 Course Project – Business Firewall Solutions

Module 04 Content In this next part of your course project, your manager has asked you to work with the network security team to implement a zone-based firewall with a DMZ, stateful inspection, and ACL packet filtering based upon security level. During a PCS compliance audit, it was revealed that the Application Development team was operating […]

Describe the fundamental concepts of legal and human factors in regard to cybersecurityDescribe the fundamental concepts of legal and human factors in regard to cybersecurity

Overview Establishing a proactive security culture in an organization is key to limiting security risks and limiting the dangers of complacency within the organization. This proactive security mind-set is important to establish from the top of the organization down. Security awareness training is the first line of defense and acts as a foundational component to […]

For this discussion, I want you to discuss what are the benefits and drawbacks of using virtualization?For this discussion, I want you to discuss what are the benefits and drawbacks of using virtualization?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a cyber security writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. For this discussion, I want you to discuss what are the benefits and drawbacks of using virtualization? Are there situations that you think would benefit more from virtualization than others? Should all organizations incorporate virtualization […]

CBR 600 9045 Communicating, Problem solving and leading in cybersecurity week 2 find trends in your professionCBR 600 9045 Communicating, Problem solving and leading in cybersecurity week 2 find trends in your profession

Learning Goal: I’m working on a cyber security project and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. In this step, you will start with a plan to find the information you need. This should enable you to create a search strategy to find resources that will help you identify the top trends in […]

Exploitation Foundations LabExploitation Foundations Lab

Learning Goal: I’m working on a cyber security exercise and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. After completing the Lab attached below: msfconsole -h > msfconsole.out Just finish the lab below. Using the selected language is not essential. I am including python only for completing the form. Detailed explanation is not necessary […]

Discussion: Cloud ServiceDiscussion: Cloud Service

As companies continue to grow their footprints and customer reach by expanding their networks into the cloud, it has become imperative for companies to show the ability to provide consistent and reliable connectivity across the WAN and/or internet to drive customer growth. As we have witnessed in recent years, many companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and […]


Learning Goal: I’m working on a cyber security test / quiz prep and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. You’ve been introduced to different elements of the info/cybersecurity concept, strategy, and process, in parallel with frameworks and processes for the adoption of relevant technologies. For this assignment, you’re putting it all together […]