Discipline: Economics

To what extent has the imposition of a carbon tax affect economic growth (2017-2018) in Fort McMurray, Alberta?To what extent has the imposition of a carbon tax affect economic growth (2017-2018) in Fort McMurray, Alberta?

Make a working bilbiography with links to all sources.  Make well organized and easy to read notes that will help answer the question in the Title : “To what extent has the imposition of a carbon tax affect economic growth (2017-2018) in Fort McMurray, Alberta?”  Make notes on every source, include pictures of statistics or […]

Over the next decade, do you think South African government spending will be larger, smaller or the same relative to GDP? Explain what you think should happen and why. Contrast this with what you think will happen, and explain why.Over the next decade, do you think South African government spending will be larger, smaller or the same relative to GDP? Explain what you think should happen and why. Contrast this with what you think will happen, and explain why.

Essay plan:  Expand on why SA government spending is high Wage bill and its theory? Social welfare duty and its theory inequality in SA so provision of health care, education etc, pensions etc.  Revenue < Expenditure What I think should happen and why Given Musgravian objectives – distribution and allocation Why? Rising inequality, rising welfare […]

Develop one open-ended question around an aspect you found interesting, provocative, and/or surprising.Develop one open-ended question around an aspect you found interesting, provocative, and/or surprising.

What do I need to do? This week we will look at economic mobility and the American dream. Question of the week: Is the American dream still a reality for most people? Develop one open-ended question around an aspect you found interesting, provocative, and/or surprising.   Here is the link: https://www.econtalk.org/raj-chetty-on-economic-mobility/

The research paper should be on “Financial incentives and Electric Vehicle (EV) demand”.The research paper should be on “Financial incentives and Electric Vehicle (EV) demand”.

 research papers include: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions as a standard paper  I am in the economics field. The research paper should be on “Financial incentives and Electric Vehicle (EV) demand”. The main aim will be to analyze to what extent financial incentives influence the demand for EVs

But how much inequality is too much? When is inequality good for society, or at least the economy, and when is it completely counterproductive?But how much inequality is too much? When is inequality good for society, or at least the economy, and when is it completely counterproductive?

Read Kurt Vonnegut’s short story called Harrison Bergeron, which you can find at https://archive.org/stream/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison%20Bergeron_djvu.txt, about a society with too much equality. You have probably also ready Orwell’s 1984 or Animal Farm, and you have seen other if similar dystopian visions (though of course, some animals are more equal  than others). But how much inequality is too much? When is inequality good for society, […]

What causes food companies, and corporations more broadly, to externalize costs to society and the planet?What causes food companies, and corporations more broadly, to externalize costs to society and the planet?

Write a 2-3 page double-spaced essay answering the following question: “What causes food companies, and corporations more broadly, to externalize costs to society and the planet?  Considering most companies do not start off with these intentions, greed is an insufficient answer.  What is the remedy?”  Here are some reading resources I reccomend you to quote: […]

To what extent does access to education and skill development contribute to reducing income inequality? How do different levels of education affect earnings distribution?To what extent does access to education and skill development contribute to reducing income inequality? How do different levels of education affect earnings distribution?

Research Question: To what extent does access to education and skill development contribute to reducing income inequality? How do different levels of education affect earnings distribution? 1. Produce a full spreadsheet in Excel or Stata with all the data you intend to use in your analysis. Cross-sectional units (typically geographic units) and/or time should be in the […]

The effects of democracy on ambition and credibility of Paris Agreement climate pledgesThe effects of democracy on ambition and credibility of Paris Agreement climate pledges

i need firt literature review for this thesis topic :    The Paris Climate Agreement of 2015 allows countries to set their own emissions reduction targets in the form of “Nationally Determined Contributions” (NDCs) and is formally non-punitive, meaning that countries do not face any sanctions for non-compliance. The approach adopted in the Paris Agreement […]

Develop one open-ended question around an aspect you found interesting and/or surprising.Develop one open-ended question around an aspect you found interesting and/or surprising.

What do I need to do? This week we will look at race, diversity, and the market.  Listen/Read/Watch EconTalk’s podcast with Harvard University economist Roland FryerLinks to an external site. “Roland Fryer on Race, Diversity, and Affirmative ActionLinks to an external site.” (1:07:18) from September 4, 2023. Can we improve outcomes for all groups, even disadvantaged ones, in […]

Research Paper – 10/1/2023 – Econ600 – 3 Scholarly Peer Reviewed Articles RequiredResearch Paper – 10/1/2023 – Econ600 – 3 Scholarly Peer Reviewed Articles Required

Research project 1: Market structures and Pricing Strategies   Pricing strategy varies significantly across different market structures of perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly which are complex.  As discussed in detail in your textbook, the assessment of market structure is conducted on the basis of intensity of competition, depending on the number of firms in the industry, homogeneity of products, evaluated by […]