Discipline: Economics

Create a marginal cost analysis graph and then answer the five reflection questions.Create a marginal cost analysis graph and then answer the five reflection questions.

Select a product. It can be real or made up. Give your good or service a name and a price in U.S. dollars. Identify the market type for your product (pure/perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly). Draw a marginal analysis graph. Title it the market for the product you chose. Label the axes, the marginal cost curve […]

Advancing Criminal Justice Reform through Restorative Justice in Juvenile Justice SystemsAdvancing Criminal Justice Reform through Restorative Justice in Juvenile Justice Systems

Knowledge related to regression , difference in difference curve adn econometrics required Write a 2 page memo to a policy-maker advocating for a particular policy change. It can be anycriminal justice policy and addressed to any policymaker, in the US, Canada, or elsewhere. Topic –  Advancing Criminal Justice Reform through Restorative Justice in Juvenile Justice […]

A Critique of the 2020 United States Federal Budget. (Choose 5 Departments to do the critique on them).A Critique of the 2020 United States Federal Budget. (Choose 5 Departments to do the critique on them).

You will write a paper on the topic below. The body of the paper (not counting title page or references) must be double spaced and should be at least 4 pages in length using 12 point font, 1 inch top and bottom margins, and 1 inch side margins. You should use at least four sources […]

You will be taking on the role of Prime Minsiter of Economic Policy for the United KingdomYou will be taking on the role of Prime Minsiter of Economic Policy for the United Kingdom

You will be taking on the role of the Prime Minister of Economic Policy for your Nation. As the Prime Minister of Economic Policy, you are responsible for identifying 3 Macroeconomic factors that are adversely impacting the economy of your nation and implementing a potential solution for each issue. Before your actions can be implemented […]

Please read the press release from the meeting and answer the following questions.Please read the press release from the meeting and answer the following questions.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is responsible for conducting open market operations, one of the Federal Reserve system’s key tools of monetary policy. The FOMC meets eight times per year to review economic and financial conditions and determine actions to take with regard to monetary policy. More Information on the FOMC is available here: https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomc.htm (Links […]

Two paragraphs compare and contrast the unemployment rate and labor force participation in the US, California,Two paragraphs compare and contrast the unemployment rate and labor force participation in the US, California,

analyze the unemployment rate and labor force participation rate in the United States. Log on to https://www.bls.gov/Links to an external site. or https://fred.stlouisfed.org/Links to an external site. to use as a data source for this activity.  1. Determine the unemployment rate and labor force participation rate in the United States. Post a screenshot of both graphs in your document. […]

Discuss the main assumptions of the neoclassical model of consumer choice between two goods. Represent in a graph the consumer’s optimal bundle and explain it intuitively. Is this a good representation of how people really act or think?Discuss the main assumptions of the neoclassical model of consumer choice between two goods. Represent in a graph the consumer’s optimal bundle and explain it intuitively. Is this a good representation of how people really act or think?

must be plagiarism free.  must discuss assumptions of neoclassical model of consumer choice  must have a graph of consumers optimal bundle and explained well Attached is an example  of a graph of consumers optimal bundle Please structure essay with an introduction and then main points and then conclusion 

Drawing on the differences between the situations of risk, weak uncertainty and strong uncertainty, discuss households’ ability to make key financial decisions, such as managing their assets and liabilities.Drawing on the differences between the situations of risk, weak uncertainty and strong uncertainty, discuss households’ ability to make key financial decisions, such as managing their assets and liabilities.

must be plagiarism free  please talk about these topics  •Rationality •Risk, weak uncertainty, strong uncertainty •Bounded rationality •herbert Simon’s bounded rationality •Two contemporary interpretations of bounded rationality  1. Kahneman & Tversky’s heuristics and biases 2.Gigerenzer’s fast and frugal heuristics

Can all economic problems be understood as dealing with scarcity, i.e. with how to use existing resources to satisfy alternative needs? Discuss by drawing on the fundamental paradigms in economics.Can all economic problems be understood as dealing with scarcity, i.e. with how to use existing resources to satisfy alternative needs? Discuss by drawing on the fundamental paradigms in economics.

The 2 competing paradigms are exchange vs production  use these paradigms and reference them  The production paradigm –  Classical Political Economy •Adam Smith and David Ricardo  exchange paradigm – Léon Walras’s theory of general equilibrium must not be plagiarised 

Critically examine how psychologists, anthropologists and economics use the term rationality. Consider where these perspectives challenge or complement each other.Critically examine how psychologists, anthropologists and economics use the term rationality. Consider where these perspectives challenge or complement each other.

Please talk about these people :  1. Richard Thaler, who works on the interface between Psychology and Economics 2. Daniel Kahneman– psychologist and economist notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioral economics, 3. Claude Lévi-Strauss: Anthropologists  This essay must not be plagiarised.