Discipline: Economics

Critically examine Schelling’s model of residential segregation and the theoretical assumptions behind it. Contrast this with possible structural explanations about segregation. Which perspective do you find more compelling and why?Critically examine Schelling’s model of residential segregation and the theoretical assumptions behind it. Contrast this with possible structural explanations about segregation. Which perspective do you find more compelling and why?

Key/suggested references: 1. Schelling, T. (2006), Sorting and Mixing : Race and Sex, Chapter 4, Micromotives and Macrobehavior, Norton 2. Friedman (1953), The Methodology of Positive Economics’, reprinted in Readings in the philosophy of social science. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press., 1994.  3.Gee, G. C., & Ford, C. L. (2011). Structural Racism and Health Inequalities: Old […]

Using a news article from the last six months illustrate a shift in supply, and or demand and summarize the articleUsing a news article from the last six months illustrate a shift in supply, and or demand and summarize the article

Find one or two news articles from the Internet that illustrate a shift in supply, and or demand the article need to illustrate at least two of the four types of supply and demand graphs, and must not be from an encyclopedia or reference website that discusses supply or demand Summarize the article to not […]

magine that you are an advisor from the IMF. You are assigned to advise the central bank of your countrymagine that you are an advisor from the IMF. You are assigned to advise the central bank of your country

Use the link(https://stats.wto.org/) to get the data, and my country is “Australia”  less than 5 pages, and i need you to write a small essay for me to read during presentation Now, imagine that you are an advisor from the IMF.  You are assigned to advise the central bank of your country. on macroeconomic policy.  Please make a […]

please write a one page paper in which you identify and summarize an international program implemented some time in the last 30 years that had the goal of reducing poverty and/or increasing economic outputplease write a one page paper in which you identify and summarize an international program implemented some time in the last 30 years that had the goal of reducing poverty and/or increasing economic output

-In the past 30 years there has been a significant reduction in the percentage of people in the world living in extreme poverty, typically measured as living on less than $1.90 per day. This decline has been most significant in East Asia (including China).  -For this assignment, please write a one page paper in which […]

identify a real labor union and discuss how the actions of that union have impacted the labor market.identify a real labor union and discuss how the actions of that union have impacted the labor market.

In the reading for this module you have been introduced to labor unions and their effects on labor markets.  For this assignment you need to write a brief, 1 page paper in which you identify a real labor union and discuss how the actions of that union have impacted the labor market.  Examples of concepts […]

write a one page paper where you propose a change to how roads are accessed and/or paid for in a future where significantly less gasoline is used in driving.write a one page paper where you propose a change to how roads are accessed and/or paid for in a future where significantly less gasoline is used in driving.

In the United States, the vast majority of roads are public goods, meaning that they can be used by anyone in the country, regardless of how much money they contributed to building and maintaining them. Historically, most road construction and maintenance in the United States has been financed by taxes on gasoline. This created a […]

A Comparative Study on the Economic Development of Shanghai and Singapore during the Covid Period between Jan 2020 and Jan 2023A Comparative Study on the Economic Development of Shanghai and Singapore during the Covid Period between Jan 2020 and Jan 2023

  1. Cover Page and Title 2. Abstract 3. Acknowledgements 4. Table of Content 5. Chapter 1: Introduction 6. Chapter 2: Literature review and Theoretical Framework 7. Chapter 3: Methodology and Research Method 8. Chapter 4: Findings and analysis 9. Chapter 5: Conclusions and recommendations 10. Reference List   METHODOLOGY Questionnaire This study will utilize an […]

A comparative analysis of the Chinese and U.K. economies during the two years prior to COVID, during the pandemic, and post-COVID with a focus on their respective export markets.A comparative analysis of the Chinese and U.K. economies during the two years prior to COVID, during the pandemic, and post-COVID with a focus on their respective export markets.

  1. Cover Page and Title 2. Abstract 3. Acknowledgements 4. Table of Content 5. Chapter 1: Introduction 6. Chapter 2: Literature review and Theoretical Framework 7. Chapter 3: Methodology and Research Method 8. Chapter 4: Findings and analysis 9. Chapter 5: Conclusions and recommendations 10. Reference List   Relevant questionnaire and results within the paper. […]

Using the concepts of price floors, discuss that affects that minimum wage has on unemployment. Are you for or against minimum wage increaseUsing the concepts of price floors, discuss that affects that minimum wage has on unemployment. Are you for or against minimum wage increase

Using the concepts of price floors, discuss that affects that minimum wage has on unemployment. Are you for or against minimum wage increase?  Word count has to be 250 words please! Thank you. 

Please read Chapter 11 Exchange Rates I: The Monetary Approach in the Long Run in your textbook (p. 376 – 381; 388 – 396; 402 – 406; 412). Please answer the following questions. Each question is worth 5 points.Please read Chapter 11 Exchange Rates I: The Monetary Approach in the Long Run in your textbook (p. 376 – 381; 388 – 396; 402 – 406; 412). Please answer the following questions. Each question is worth 5 points.

Please read Chapter 11 Exchange Rates I: The Monetary Approach in the Long Run in your textbook (p. 376 – 381; 388 – 396; 402 – 406; 412). Please answer the following questions. Each question is worth 5 points. 1. What are the assumptions behind the law of one price? 2. What is the meaning of purchasing […]