Discipline: Education

Module 3: Second Language Acquisition and Feedback Personality and Language AcquisitionModule 3: Second Language Acquisition and Feedback Personality and Language Acquisition

Have you taken the Myers’ Briggs’ Type Indicator (MBTI)? What about the Big Five Personality Test? Both are free to take and offer some insight into the personality traits associated with ideal language learners. Take both of the tests. After you take the tests, post your findings (results from each test) as well as a reflection on […]

Module 2: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity Authentic Task #1: Developing a QuestionnaireModule 2: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity Authentic Task #1: Developing a Questionnaire

Authentic Task #1 Developing a Questionnaire For this task you will design a questionnaire for English Language Learners to get to know a bit more about the student personally and academically.  Imagine that you have been notified that a new student is entering your class (at the grade level you currently teach or intend to […]

What Can We Do to Become More Culturally Aware? Module 2: Cultural Awareness and SensitivityWhat Can We Do to Become More Culturally Aware? Module 2: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

What Can We Do to Become More Culturally Aware? Immersive Reader Grade:N/A Now that you’ve taken the quiz and explored some of the terminology of the field (and some terms to avoid), it’s time to make a game plan for becoming a more culturally aware teacher. How would you describe your own unique identity including […]

Helping ELLs with Exit Tickets Module 1: Historical, Social, and Political BackgroundHelping ELLs with Exit Tickets Module 1: Historical, Social, and Political Background

Exit tickets are a particularly powerful tool for ELLs and native speakers alike. Using the examples on slide 11 of the previous slide presentation and drawing from your own experiences, share some ideas for when and how exit tickets might help your ELLs. Consider the following in your reply: What questions will you ask? What […]

A Comparative Analysis of Community Education Initiatives in the United States of America and South Africa. Lessons from Community Colleges in Michigan, USA and the Eastern Cape Community Education and Training College, SOUTH AFRICAA Comparative Analysis of Community Education Initiatives in the United States of America and South Africa. Lessons from Community Colleges in Michigan, USA and the Eastern Cape Community Education and Training College, SOUTH AFRICA

A Comparative Analysis of Community Education Initiatives in the United States of America and South Africa. Lessons from Community Colleges in Michigan, USA and the Eastern Cape Community Education and Training College, SOUTH AFRICA Write a Proposal using the attached documents as a guide. This Comparative Analysis is a pure Desktop Study and does not […]

relying on the sample I attached, write an authentic action research educational projectrelying on the sample I attached, write an authentic action research educational project

In the next unit,  you will undertake an authentic action research educational project that not only advances the development of your skills and knowledge but also contributes in a meaningful way to the improvement of some aspect of educational knowledge, policy or practice. The EDU6164 Project Plan assignment provides a structure that will help you: […]

Research Topic Exploring the Efficiency of Innovative Technologies in Enhancing Healthcare Education Programs.Research Topic Exploring the Efficiency of Innovative Technologies in Enhancing Healthcare Education Programs.

MASTERS IN EDUCATION WITH SPECIALTY OF ADULT HIGHER EDUCATION I WILL WRITE ALL THE CITATIONS.  PLEASE WRITE THE ANNOTATIONS. I HAVE INCLUDED ALL THE ARTICLES. ·        Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article. Include one or more sentences that (a) evaluate the authority or background of […]

Professional Development In-Service Proposal – Flipped Classroom Implementation for Enhanced LearningProfessional Development In-Service Proposal – Flipped Classroom Implementation for Enhanced Learning

The Proposal is Flipped Classroom Implementation for Enhanced Learning: Understanding the various responsibilities of an instructional coach is important, so the role can be held in a professional manner while meeting the needs of the adult learners. For this assignment, design a 1,000-1,250 word proposal on a topic of your choice. The topic can be applicable to […]

Exploring the social experiences that contribute to persistence among first-generation LatinX students who attend Historically black colleges and universitiesExploring the social experiences that contribute to persistence among first-generation LatinX students who attend Historically black colleges and universities

Research Topic: Social Experiences that contribute to persistence among first-generation LatinX students who attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities Research Questions: 1. How did faculty and peer engagement affect first-generation Latinx students’ attitudes toward persistence at an HBCU? 2. What socio-cultural experiences contributed to persistence among first-generation Latinx students at an HBCU? 3. To what […]

Inclusive strategies and policies when working with cares/families and communities.Following the guidelines in the EYLF and the NQFInclusive strategies and policies when working with cares/families and communities.Following the guidelines in the EYLF and the NQF

Following the guidelines in the EYLF and the NQF, review a range of contemporary inclusive approaches and strategies related to working inclusively with carers/families and communities. Compare and contrast the recommended practices with some of the historical approaches examined in class.  On successful completion of this subject you will be able to:  A. Evaluate historical […]