The dissertation and report offer you the opportunity to conduct an original study in educational leadership and/or management under the supervision of a member of staff. The Higher Degrees Board describe a dissertation and report as ‘a single extended piece of writing … will have a single main academic focus, and will contain a substantial […]
Discipline: Education
“The Recess Debate A Disjuncture between Educational Policy and Scientific Research”“The Recess Debate A Disjuncture between Educational Policy and Scientific Research”
A. Assignment Guidelines DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines. Refer to the Sample Touchstone for additional guidance on structure, formatting, and citation. 1. Article Summary ❒ Have you introduced the title of the article and the author by name? ❒ Have you […]
Teachers’ perception on social and emotional learning and its impact on elementary student’s social-emotional competenceTeachers’ perception on social and emotional learning and its impact on elementary student’s social-emotional competence
This section of my dissertation is the lietrature review section, chapter 2. I am only looking for the review of research to be written using these themes: History of SEL, Importance of SEL, SEL Benefits, Teachers Preparation, Teachers Influence of SEL, SEL Implementation, SEL Implementaion Outcomes on Students, and Conclusion. Each section should have lots […]
Module 6: Supporting Mindfulness in Your Class and School. Classroom Practice AnalysisModule 6: Supporting Mindfulness in Your Class and School. Classroom Practice Analysis
Classroom Practice Analysis Grade:N/A Download, complete, and submit the Classroom Practice Analysis as a Word document or PDF. Posted Thu Apr 13, 2023 at 10:51 am Criteria Grading Scale Grading Scale Resource Choice 4 Exceeds Expectations Learner provides the name of a relevant downloadable resource with a clearly articulated rationale for why the resource was selected. […]
Module 6: Supporting Mindfulness in Your Class and School. Envisioning Your Mindful ClassroomModule 6: Supporting Mindfulness in Your Class and School. Envisioning Your Mindful Classroom
As you wrap up this section on Weaving Mindfulness Into Your Class, reflect on all the ways mindfulness can support you and your students and describe the role you want it to play in your classroom. Post to the discussion board answering the following questions: Describe ways you think mindfulness can support your students in […]
Inclusive Education: Addressing the Needs of Students with Disabilities in Mainstream SchoolsInclusive Education: Addressing the Needs of Students with Disabilities in Mainstream Schools
For this assignment, you will write at least THREE pages [~1000 words] about an educational issue—the form will be dependent on your determined role and audience [Max 1,500 words]. You might, for instance, choose to: Write as an academic — creating an article summarizing the research on an educational issue Write a policymaker — describing an educational […]
Module 5: Supporting Healthy Communication and Relationships Supporting Healthy Relationships and CommunicationModule 5: Supporting Healthy Communication and Relationships Supporting Healthy Relationships and Communication
Supporting Healthy Relationships and Communication Immersive Reader Grade:N/A As you wrap up this section on Supporting Healthy Relationships and Communication, tap into the expertise of your colleagues, and share your own. Post to the discussion board answering the following questions: In what ways do you currently support healthy relationships and interactions between you and your […]
Module 5: Supporting Healthy Communication and Relationships. Favorite Learning SpacesModule 5: Supporting Healthy Communication and Relationships. Favorite Learning Spaces
Favorite Learning Spaces Immersive Reader Grade:N/A As you wrap up this section on Learning Happens When Students Feel Safe, tap into the expertise of your colleagues, and share your own. Post to the discussion board answering the following questions: Describe your favorite (or a fulfilling) learning experience you had in or out of school. Appraise […]
Module 4: A Mindful Classroom is Responsive and Differentiates Authentic Task #2: Creating Mindfulness Classroom Routines to Support DifferentiationModule 4: A Mindful Classroom is Responsive and Differentiates Authentic Task #2: Creating Mindfulness Classroom Routines to Support Differentiation
Please download and complete the attached Authentic Task. Please save and submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. Posted Thu Apr 13, 2023 at 10:51 am Grading Scale Identifying Needs 4 Exceeds Expectations Learner gives several examples of ways they must differentiate and be responsive to support students and describes in great detail which of […]
Module 4: A Mindful Classroom is Responsive and Differentiates. Responsive Classroom InstructionModule 4: A Mindful Classroom is Responsive and Differentiates. Responsive Classroom Instruction
Responsive Classroom Instruction Immersive Reader Grade:N/A Reflect on what you’ve learned about the importance of responsiveness in the classroom and tap into the collective wisdom of your peers and share your own. Post to the discussion board answering the following questions: How does responsive teaching support student outcomes and experiences in the classroom in particular students […]