Differentiating Content, Process and Product Immersive Reader Grade:N/A Reflect on what you’ve learned about the importance of differentiation in the classroom and tap into the collective wisdom of your peers and share your own. Prior to posting on the discussion board take some time to consider how differentiated instruction supports student outcomes in the classroom. […]
Discipline: Education
The Effects of Phonics Instruction on the Reading Comprehension of Emergent ReadersThe Effects of Phonics Instruction on the Reading Comprehension of Emergent Readers
**Please use already started paper** The ONLY thing you are doing is picking out words to define from the already begun research paper. You are creating a “Definitions” section. You will use resources to write the definition of each word (place sources on the reference page). From the RUBRIC: 1. Include any “Definitions” here. Includes appropriate […]
Module 3: Mindfulness and Student Engagement Practice Teaching and Reflection of a Mindfulness ActivityModule 3: Mindfulness and Student Engagement Practice Teaching and Reflection of a Mindfulness Activity
Practice Teaching and Reflection of a Mindfulness Activity Immersive Reader Grade:N/A Select a mindfulness activity script from the downloadable resources found in module three. Teach this activity to students, a peer, colleague, friend, or loved one. After teaching the activity answer the following questions in a discussion board post: Describe the activity you selected and […]
Developing Students’ Mindfulness Practice … PrevNext Folder.Module 2: Mindfulness as Resource to Support Students Authentic Task #1: Developing Strategies to Support StudentsDeveloping Students’ Mindfulness Practice … PrevNext Folder.Module 2: Mindfulness as Resource to Support Students Authentic Task #1: Developing Strategies to Support Students
Authentic Task #1: Developing Strategies to Support Students Immersive Reader Grade:N/A Please download and complete the attached Authentic Task (Below Rubric). Please save and submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document or PDF. Authentic Task #1: HELPING STUDENTS DEVELOP SEL COMPETENCIES AND 21ST CENTURY SKILLS WITH MINDFULNESS Reflect on the students you serve and […]
Module 2: Mindfulness as Resource to Support Students Five Element Exploration & ReflectionModule 2: Mindfulness as Resource to Support Students Five Element Exploration & Reflection
Five Element Exploration & Reflection Immersive Reader Grade:N/A Reflect on the Five Element methodology you just learned and answer the following questions in a discussion board post: Which of the Five Elements do you think might be the most relevant to your students? Appraise the Five Elements overall. How effective do you think it would […]
Module 2: Mindfulness as Resource to Support Students Supporting SEL Competencies & 21st Century SkillsModule 2: Mindfulness as Resource to Support Students Supporting SEL Competencies & 21st Century Skills
Supporting SEL Competencies & 21st Century Skills Immersive Reader Grade:N/A Reflect on what you’ve learned about the importance of developing social emotional competencies and 21st Century skills and tap into the collective wisdom of your peers and share your own. Post to the discussion board answering the following questions: In what ways do you explicitly […]
Ethical Behavior, Diversity and Civil Discourse as they relate to your educational specializationEthical Behavior, Diversity and Civil Discourse as they relate to your educational specialization
Write a 5-7 page analysis of ethical behavior, diversity, and civil discourse as they relate to your educational specialization. Introduction Ethical behavior, diversity, and civil discourse are subjects not easily defined for study. We can point to perceived differences between people and cultures; however, that is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, ignoring the […]
Assignment#2: Ecological inventory, discrepancy analysis, and instructional planAssignment#2: Ecological inventory, discrepancy analysis, and instructional plan
Instructions Assignment#2: Ecological inventory, discrepancy analysis, and instructional plan Write a brief summary and rationale for selecting the environment and sub-environment to complete your ecological inventory. You will have to base your ecological inventory on one of the students provided as case studies. You can add details in order to provide a better context for […]
Methods of Research on Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Extracurricular ParticipationMethods of Research on Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Extracurricular Participation
Methods- (3-4 double-spaced pages) The purpose of the methods’ section is to inform the reading audience how your research would be conducted. The “Methods” section contains several subheadings. Participants: This is where you will specify your sample and population. Be sure to include how the sample was drawn and any restrictions on the selection of the […]
connecting Bloom’s Taxonomy with literary devices – PPT Presentation on WEATHERconnecting Bloom’s Taxonomy with literary devices – PPT Presentation on WEATHER
Below are the instructions for the assignment. I also attached a PPT example the professor gave us. ——————————————————————————————- In this application assignment, you will create a picture file using PowerPoint. Each slide becomes a prompt for discussion, writing, or thinking, and a vehicle for connecting Bloom’s Taxonomy with literary devices. Step 1. Using PowerPoint, select 15 […]