.After the peer review process, the scientific committee considers that its chapter entitled “The transformative role of school and teachers in Greek education” is accepted for publication in the Octaedro volume, which is expected to be published in mid-2023. However, some minor changes are necessary beforehand, without which the text cannot be published. Specifically we are […]
Discipline: Education
Professional Educator Commitment to Professional Growth Disposition commitment ExamplesProfessional Educator Commitment to Professional Growth Disposition commitment Examples
Asked to reflect upon and provide examples of your Commitment to Professional growth. The professional educator disposition commitment includes: Responds appropriately to supervision Accepts constructive criticism and suggestions Uses suggestions to improve skills and understanding Strives to achieve competence and integrity Reflects on/evaluates strengths and areas for improvement Displays interest and curiosity in the learning […]
Critical review of quality interactions in education and how this relates to a particular area of interestCritical review of quality interactions in education and how this relates to a particular area of interest
* – You drew on some academic sources to demonstrate partial understanding of sustained shared thinking. However, you needed to make sure that you substantiated all of the claims you made in this assignment. * – You attempted to provide a critique in this essay by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of distance learning. […]
Share your future education,career, and/or lofe goals and how your diagnosis and life experiences have shaped these goalsShare your future education,career, and/or lofe goals and how your diagnosis and life experiences have shaped these goals
This is an essay on why a scholarship would help me so much in my career field So I got to write an essay on why I want to go to barbering school so I can be a future barber…I want to cut peoples hair all over the world and make millions to bless those […]
an approach to teaching creatively and/ or teaching for creativity in your educational context, supported by theory.an approach to teaching creatively and/ or teaching for creativity in your educational context, supported by theory.
Identify an aspect of educational practice in your setting that you feel demonstrates creative teaching and/ or teaching for creativity and subject it to critical scrutiny in the form of a report with a view to making recommendations for the successful development of this practice. You will base this report on the educational setting that […]
Subtractive Schooling & Implementation of a Comprehensive School Counseling ProgramSubtractive Schooling & Implementation of a Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Introduction on key points of subtractive schooling (can use Valenzuela book – 1999) Introduce Comprehensive School Counseling Program Litrature Review on School Counseling Program (2-3 pages) – Background, Social & Emotional Well-being of students, academic success, implemntation, effective programs & supporting data, community & school participation, key components Planned Program Implementaton – Describe in detail […]
Topic choice: improving and supporting teaching and learning through observations( formal, peer observations)Topic choice: improving and supporting teaching and learning through observations( formal, peer observations)
Create a poster to present your research proposal. Follow the guidelines on creating a poster for conference presentations in the following links: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1955747/ http://colinpurrington.com/tips/poster-designhttp://popcenter.berkeley.edu/resources/postersessions.shtml The poster should include- Key headings from the proposal- introduction, research question, literature, methodology, conclusion, references etc 1. The methods must be clear, mention of paradigm, research context, methodology, methods and […]
of a School and students’ academic performance. Write a formal report of around 200-250 words to explain the data with elaboration.of a School and students’ academic performance. Write a formal report of around 200-250 words to explain the data with elaboration.
Format of Report Writing Introduction ⁃ Introduce the issue behind your report ⁃ Why is your report significant? There must be a related social issue/problem/trend/situation in a company etc. that is worth people‘s attention ⁃ Define important terms if necessary ⁃ Outline the main parts of your following report Main body Report and […]
Effective and Ineffective Strategies used in classroom, home, or community settingsEffective and Ineffective Strategies used in classroom, home, or community settings
For this paper is necessary to use the most effective and least effective practices used in the classroom, home, or community settings. Examine the impediments to teacher use in both the effective and least effective practices. The interventions are provided below Effective —Formative Assessment Non-effective —–Teaching without Empathy At the end of the page bravely […]
What is your sense of Duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you?What is your sense of Duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you?
Duke Question 1: What is your sense of Duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you? If there’s something in particular about our offerings that attracts you, feel free to share that as well. (250 word limit)*My passion for medicine and the desire to make […]