A literature review looking at perceived barriers and issues of inclusion in a mainstream setting from teachers and practitioners within education. Some work has been done which might be of use/help give an idea of the direction I was going for and my list I had narrowed down of literature.I wasn’t sure if sources required […]
Discipline: Education
This assignment requires you to analyse and develop a report based on the following scenario.This assignment requires you to analyse and develop a report based on the following scenario.
This assignment, which consists of two parts, Part 1A and Part 1B, requires you to: compare and contrast traditional teaching and learning with contemporary practices identify, describe and justify at least one pedagogical approach to the teaching and learning of the Technologies curriculum examine the use of new technologies to enhance teaching and learning explore […]
Justify why quality interactions are measured via the National Quality Standard (NQS)Justify why quality interactions are measured via the National Quality Standard (NQS)
Step 1: Research the literature on quality teacher-child interactions. Step 2: Write an essay that supports quality teacher-child interactions. In your essay: Part 1: Justify why quality interactions are measured via the National Quality Standard (all early childhood programs in Australia are rated against the NQS) Guide-to-the-NQF-3-Assessment-and-rating.pdfDownload Guide-to-the-NQF-3-Assessment-and-rating.pdf – Why do we have the NQS? It is there […]
HIB (Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying) + Child Abuse & Neglect + Suicide Prevention Action PlanHIB (Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying) + Child Abuse & Neglect + Suicide Prevention Action Plan
Canidates research the issue surrounding three types of situations. 1) Harrassment, intimidation, bullying 2) Child Abuse & Neglect and 3) suicide prevention – through new stories, court cases, laws, district policies, curricula, and school improvement plans. Canidates examine and reflect upon the teachers role in promoting a learning environment and classroom culture to effictively address crises as they […]
Investigation of a Unfamiliar Culture : Gain valuable insight into classroom practices & school cultureInvestigation of a Unfamiliar Culture : Gain valuable insight into classroom practices & school culture
Investigation of a Unfamiliar Culture : Gain valuable insight into classroom practices, school culture,community culture, the use of your school districts curricula and texts, books and activities, and areas ofstrength and weakness in meeting students’ linguistic, cultural, ability through researching, analyzing,comparing, discussing and evaluating the curricula and text books. You will need to analyze the […]
Application Project-Develop a plan of action with goal of creating/developing your school student support team and how you would evaluate those teams and members. Please read instructions carefullyApplication Project-Develop a plan of action with goal of creating/developing your school student support team and how you would evaluate those teams and members. Please read instructions carefully
Educational leadership- Readings from books- Chapters are uploaded and examples. Must have first and second years outlined month to month. See examples uploaded Berta, S., Blonsky, H., & Wogan, J. (2022). Developing your school’s student support teams: A practical guide for k-12 leaders, student services personnel, and mental health staff. Routledge. Bernhardt, V. L. (2017). Measuring what we […]
Laws Addressing Individuals with Disabilities and Special Populations AssignmentLaws Addressing Individuals with Disabilities and Special Populations Assignment
The presentation must address the points above but may be tailored to an audience of the candidate’s choosing (i.e., a secondary student transitioning into post-secondary education or employment, a parent of a child with a disability, or a professional development session for teachers). The candidate will prepare a 20–25-slide PowerPoint presentation, include at least 5 […]
Write a Vignette of a success story that begins in the present and ends 3-5 years from now at a school yoy would be proncipal of.Write a Vignette of a success story that begins in the present and ends 3-5 years from now at a school yoy would be proncipal of.
The final assignment for this course will involve you creating a vignette of your school embarking on continuous improvement. You compose this vignette as a success story that begins in the present and extends three to five years into the future. You will share how the story begins and how it unfolds. You will share […]
Abstract for research done on ‘The role of technology in educational leadership: effects on teacher performance.Abstract for research done on ‘The role of technology in educational leadership: effects on teacher performance.
you’re require to write an abstract for the research attached.. The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study. Capitalize the first letter of the first word ONLY (place names excluded). No full stop at the end. Abstracts should state briefly and clearly the […]
the use of participatory methods to engage diverse families in research about resilience in middle childhoodthe use of participatory methods to engage diverse families in research about resilience in middle childhood
•essay must have a minimum of two quotations from the article and what the quote means • try using the “MEAL” plan to organize the paragraphs • essay must address one essential question (highlighted in the attached photos) • must have a strong thesis and introduction and conclusion, making sure the conclusion sums up the […]