Please refer guidance file for details (please read every page and every sentence carefully) Please read the rubric carefully in the guidance file Please follow the rules, like words count, at most 1650 words total. And follow the words count for each question (Q1 200 words, Q2 550 words, Q3 750 words) Must use the […]
Discipline: Education
Nẹp inox chữ V và vai trò quan trọng trong việc ốp lát sàn và tườngNẹp inox chữ V và vai trò quan trọng trong việc ốp lát sàn và tường
Nẹp inox chữ V là một phụ kiện quan trọng trong việc ốp lát sàn và tường. Với thiết kế độc đáo và chất liệu cao cấp, nẹp inox chữ V không chỉ mang lại vẻ đẹp sang trọng và hiện đại cho không gian, mà còn có vai trò bảo vệ và gia […]
Utilizing Assessment and Instructional Strategies for Language and Content InstructionUtilizing Assessment and Instructional Strategies for Language and Content Instruction
Assessment Description Since teachers of ELLs are responsible for providing language and content instruction and assessing them both, it is important that teachers utilize and differentiate research-based instructional and assessment strategies so that student progress is monitored. While there is an emphasis on differentiated instructional strategies, often differentiated assessments are not emphasized. Just as students […]
Education for Health Professions – Teaching Philosophy of Dental school clinical instructorEducation for Health Professions – Teaching Philosophy of Dental school clinical instructor
Create your own personal teaching philosophy. Create a minimum of a 3-page paper in length that answers this question: What are your beliefs, values, and assumptions about the roles of the adult educator and the purposes of education? This paper will provide an overview of the information you glean regarding your teaching perspectives and teaching […]
Literature Review: Low Teacher Salary – Challenges, Best Practices, and RecommendationsLiterature Review: Low Teacher Salary – Challenges, Best Practices, and Recommendations
Paper: Literature Review Week 3 Assignment — Part II: Data-Based Improvement Project Purpose This assignment provides you with the opportunity to locate, analyze, and apply references from the field to support your project topic and to build understanding on its background. Breeding familiarity with the background will help you effectively analyze data and […]
Early childhood teachers’ perspective on STEAM learning in kindergartens classrooms in Saudi ArabiaEarly childhood teachers’ perspective on STEAM learning in kindergartens classrooms in Saudi Arabia
Writing a research proposal for PhD title Research questions Background of the topic (it has to cover all the areas of the research title) Research Methodology (design, tools, sample, data analysis, ethical consideration) References
Anything Related to Parental vigilance in Child development, you decide the title.Anything Related to Parental vigilance in Child development, you decide the title.
Title: Postpartum maternal separation anxiety, overprotective parenting, and children’s social-emotional well-being: Longitudinal evidence from an Australian cohort. Given the surge in working mothers of young children, regular separation from an infant is a crucial element of parenthood. Emerging literature has identified some correlations of maternal separation anxiety, which describes mothers’ thoughts, feelings, and experiences during such separations. The […]
Teacher Perceptions on the Low Enrollment of Students of Color in High School Computer ScienceTeacher Perceptions on the Low Enrollment of Students of Color in High School Computer Science
Hi, I need all three chapters of my dissertation proposal revised according to the committee notes attached. I had been working with another dissertation-writing service. They guaranteed an approved dissertation proposal and full dissertation approval in six months or less. I started with them in January 2023, and it is now July (7 months) later, […]
what are the key components that should be included in an effective training system to meet the specific needs of an organization?what are the key components that should be included in an effective training system to meet the specific needs of an organization?
Designing an effective training system is crucial for organizations to meet their specific needs and stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment. An effective training system should address the skills and knowledge gaps of employees, provide them with the necessary tools and resources to perform their job functions effectively, and help them achieve their career […]
A referenced Self narrative on personal lived experience within an educational space (university)A referenced Self narrative on personal lived experience within an educational space (university)
1000 WORDS including references and theory on personal lived experience please see attached of instructions and what needs to be included and also a lecturer example of how the narrative should look like… my personal narrative topic is how I have returned to education as a mature student , a mother with parental responsibilities to […]