Discipline: Education

Theoretical Framework for Research Question on Distributed Leadership in Special EducationTheoretical Framework for Research Question on Distributed Leadership in Special Education

My research question is ‘How do leaders and support teachers understand how distributed leadership affects Special Educational Needs provision in schools in Ireland?’ Theories are developed by researchers to explain phenomena, drawconnections and make predictions. They are based on existing knowledge,observations, and ideas.In your dissertation the theoretical framework is where you discuss and evaluatethe theories that […]

Reflective Memo-what role do you think educational policies have played (or not played) in issuesReflective Memo-what role do you think educational policies have played (or not played) in issues

This assignment is for the course learning Reimagining Education for Teaching and Learning in Diverse Schools: A Policy Perspective. Drawing on course readings in the attachments, write a 5-7 page Reflective Memo that is a re-visiting your answer to the question (the original answer I wrote is in the attachment below) – what role do you think […]

Teaching children using face-to-face, online, hybrid, hyflex, blended teaching methodsTeaching children using face-to-face, online, hybrid, hyflex, blended teaching methods

As we all know, teachers are facing challenging times teaching children face-to-face, online, hybrid, hyflex, blended, etc. It requires a great deal of planning and course design to meet the needs of children in so many formats. For this option, you are to write a research paper in which you include the following: Description of […]

Final Paper- Analysis of the Turning Around Cote Construction Company case studyFinal Paper- Analysis of the Turning Around Cote Construction Company case study

I. In your final paper assignment, you will show what you have learned throughout the semester through your analysis of the Turning Around Cote Construction Company case study (pp. 367- 370 in Deszca Chapter 9). You will write a paper that includes your answers/responses to the items below. Write this as an essay with complete […]

Saudi School Leaders’ Perceptions on Leadership Preparation Public School Leadership in Saudi ArabiaSaudi School Leaders’ Perceptions on Leadership Preparation Public School Leadership in Saudi Arabia

I am currently at the beginning stages of writing my master’s dissertation, focusing on qualitative research. I have already completed the introduction, the first chapter, which consists of the Literature Review, and the second chapter, which outlines the Methodology. First: Now, I am seeking an expert writer experienced in Qualitative Research, specifically Thematic Analysis, to […]

Educational Leadership-response to classmate’s discussion post-Chapters are uploaded as reference as neededEducational Leadership-response to classmate’s discussion post-Chapters are uploaded as reference as needed

We had to answer 4 questions for our orignal discussion post. Assignment is to please respond and give positive feedback responding to my classmate’s discussio post. Chapters are uploaded for reference. I uploaded my classmate discussions post responses. Please respond to her post where she answered questionsn from our original assignment  Book are-Berta, S., Blonsky, […]

Education Leadership-research paper on evidence based alternatives to the punishment paradigm in education-How will this content knowledge help me in my future role as a school leader?Education Leadership-research paper on evidence based alternatives to the punishment paradigm in education-How will this content knowledge help me in my future role as a school leader?

 Write a research paper on evidence based alternatives to the punishment paradigm in education. Examples include but are not limited to; restorative practices, positive behavior supports, etc.. Be sure to address the course’s eight content knowledge points referred to earlier in this syllabus. The purpose of this paper is to generate a research based response […]

EDUC 548 PART 2 Read the case study, James, which can be found on page 263 and answer the following questions:EDUC 548 PART 2 Read the case study, James, which can be found on page 263 and answer the following questions:

Assignment Read Chapter 10 in your Chandler & Dahlquist textbook Review the supporting PowerPoints and complete the Guided Notes (does not have to be  submitted). After completing the readings, complete the activity for Session 11 which can be found on page two of this document Continue working on your Behavior Management Plan.   Read the […]

Module 6: Assignment # 1 — Journal review/critique # 7: Final Thoughts on Comprehension (blog review)Module 6: Assignment # 1 — Journal review/critique # 7: Final Thoughts on Comprehension (blog review)

***Please see instructions below**** Only 1 reference (whatever blog you choose). Thanks You have a choice, look carefully: Journal review/critique # 7 – You have a choice: Look through the two blog links below. Select one and explore it.   Read through the blog’s comments and review/critique 1) ILA blog on comprehension https://www.literacyworldwide.org/blog/literacy-daily/2018/09/26/pushing-vs.-pulling-adolescent-readers-toward-comprehension or  2) Shanahan on […]

CIL512-Module 3 Discussion Topics,Module 4 Discussion Topics,Module 5 Discussion Topics, Module 6 Discussion TopicsCIL512-Module 3 Discussion Topics,Module 4 Discussion Topics,Module 5 Discussion Topics, Module 6 Discussion Topics

Module 3 Discussion Topics— M3 Grades K-2 Video What insights did you have about early childhood language development and ELLs, based on this video? What was confirmed that you already knew?  What was new or different? It’s a lecture by Dr. Mileidis Gort which demonstrates certain techniques https://www.learner.org/series/teaching-reading-k-2-workshop/supporting-the-english-language-learner/watch-the-video-supporting-the-english-language-learner/ M3 Definitions of Fluency and Best Practices […]