This is for dissertation review. The audiance are subject mater experts. The quality of the paper should be clear, supported with resources, free from personal experiences and unbias. Attached is copy of the format that will be used to write the assigment and strictly followed. The submitted paper should match that of the attached document. […]
Discipline: Education
CIL512-M3: Reading Response of Chs. 5 & 6 of LMS and CMF, M4 Reading Response: Chs. 7 & 8 LMS & CMF, M5: Reading Response of Ch. 9 of LMS and CMF,CIL512-M6: Reading Response of Ch.10 of LMS and CMFCIL512-M3: Reading Response of Chs. 5 & 6 of LMS and CMF, M4 Reading Response: Chs. 7 & 8 LMS & CMF, M5: Reading Response of Ch. 9 of LMS and CMF,CIL512-M6: Reading Response of Ch.10 of LMS and CMF
Lems, K., Miller, L.D. & Soro, T. (2017). Building Literacy with English Language Learners: Insights from Linguistics (2nd edition). New York: Guilford Press. Chen, L. & Mora-Flores, E. (2007). Balanced literacy for English language learners, K-2. Portsmouth, N.H: Heinemann. Select 1 Literary (not informational) Chapter Book from the Link provided here as your Literature Circle Book: M3-Reading Response: […]
The use of blogs and social networks while learning english. their effects and motivation.The use of blogs and social networks while learning english. their effects and motivation.
Introduction: first I talk about what blogs are and how through them students speak English. To say what the purpose of the paper is and to show how blogs/networks have made life easier for learners and teachers (find sources to support this for teachers below). Mainly : What is motivation? To analyse it with sources […]
Synthesis Essay – (2) Main Topics – Education Reform and Social Reform through EducationSynthesis Essay – (2) Main Topics – Education Reform and Social Reform through Education
The instructions and rubric are attached. A minimum of 15 sources from the instructions are required. I can provide all of the sources/documents. From at least 15 sources, 2 main topics are to be selected and written. Detailed paper format is attached. I am completed the synthesis matrix of the sources now and can provide […]
How did the push to online schooling due to covid 19 affect reading literacy and math scores in low income schools in the united statesHow did the push to online schooling due to covid 19 affect reading literacy and math scores in low income schools in the united states
At least 12 sources at least 10 need to be peer-reviewed academic sources. How does the current literature connect to the research question, what has already been done, what gaps exist in the literature?2000–2500 words (or, about 8–10 double spaced pages). Yoneed at least 12 total sources, although I would recommend not limiting yourself to […]
The Importance of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy in Supporting Individuals with Developmental DisabilitiesThe Importance of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy in Supporting Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
The most important thing is that you fully use your analytical skills in using the appropriate rhetorical structure. I will be looking to see how well you appeal to your audience and how well you stress the logical and emotional aspects of your association with the person/place. Also, I will be looking for the use […]
The Effects of Social-Emotional Learning on African American High School Students’ Academic AchievementThe Effects of Social-Emotional Learning on African American High School Students’ Academic Achievement
This is currently what i have. I need this paper edited to reflect. Research proposal properly. The methods section is incorrect as it is only talking about research that has already been done. It should discuss the research that i am proposing and how i am going to be doing the study for my specific […]
Education Leadership-response to classmate’s discussion post referencing readings as neededEducation Leadership-response to classmate’s discussion post referencing readings as needed
Please respond to classmate’s discussion post Readings from books- Berta, S., Blonsky, H., & Wogan, J. (2022). Developing your school’s student support teams: A practical guide for k-12 leaders, student services personnel, and mental health staff. Routledge. Bernhardt, V. L. (2017). Measuring what we do in schools: How to know if what we are doing is making a […]
CIL505-M2-Discussion: Leveraging EB learners’ knowledge in the classroom and M2 Response to Reading: English language development: Research, standards, and instructionCIL505-M2-Discussion: Leveraging EB learners’ knowledge in the classroom and M2 Response to Reading: English language development: Research, standards, and instruction
M2-Discussion—- Students should answer the following prompts: This module offers many strategies for learning about your Emergent Bilingual learners’ background knowledge and understanding their first and second language development. Select and explain 3 strategies from the materials for documenting learners’ bilingualism, English language development, cultural backgrounds, and learning needs. Have you implemented any of these […]
Learning and school experience faced by students of color, ses students and english learners.Learning and school experience faced by students of color, ses students and english learners.
For this assignment, you will write an essay and answer the following questions: How are academic achievement and educational attainment different for different groups of students? Is it possible to close the achievement and attainment gap? Why or why not? When answering that question, be sure to address differences in the learning and school experience […]