Discipline: Education

Compare and contrast two different academic program accrediting agencies at the micro-level.Compare and contrast two different academic program accrediting agencies at the micro-level.

Paper Format  Title Page (follow APA 7th edition format for student papers)  I. Introduction: This is where you present a short summary on the importance of your selected topic and a short summary of the results of your topic.  II. Literature Review: This is where you will summarize the information and data […]

Review of a Scholarly Article: Getting strategic about strategic planning researchReview of a Scholarly Article: Getting strategic about strategic planning research

 Discussion 3: Review of a Scholarly Article: Getting strategic about strategic planning research Each paragraph must have at least 5 to 6 academic sentences with at least two current scholarly sources. Review the rubric below. Getting strategic about strategic planning research article.pdf After reading this current scholarly article (listed above) regarding strategic planning research, give your synopsis of […]

Education Leadership Read chapters from book and write reflection paper-draft is uploaded please another page discussing how I will use this in my future as an educational leaderEducation Leadership Read chapters from book and write reflection paper-draft is uploaded please another page discussing how I will use this in my future as an educational leader

reflection paper on readings from chapter 4 and 5  from Berta, S., Blonsky, H., & Wogan, J. (2022). Developing your school’s student support teams: A practical guide for k-12 leaders, student services personnel, and mental health staff. Routledge.  Instructions please add to the reflection paper: draft is uploaded under reflection draft, instructions are also uploaded. More details, a concise […]

Reflection Assignment: Theories of Worldview and Assumptions; Cultural Competency in EducationReflection Assignment: Theories of Worldview and Assumptions; Cultural Competency in Education

Scholars over the course of your studies you have been task with approaching your discussion and formal essays through the lens of education policy and administratorsWhile instituting some of these persspectives in your assigned readings this week , you be asked to frame your responses through the lenses of the classroom teacher,who direct contact with […]

Reflection Assignment: Philanthropy, Planned Giving, and Foundations in K-12 and Higher Education; What are bequests and how do they contribute to educational achievement ?Reflection Assignment: Philanthropy, Planned Giving, and Foundations in K-12 and Higher Education; What are bequests and how do they contribute to educational achievement ?

During current units, planned discussion will center around the urgency of resource development for vulneralbe public K-12 schools, as well as HBCU’s in America. Fundraising is a serious componet for educational institutions,and require a strategicwell planned (financed) approach. Using the information from the assigned reading and your ownd research, please provide a well- composed response […]


Note: Choose 1 video link from each section (Elementary, Middle, High School).  *List attached A. Watch a video listed in the elementary list and do the following: 1. Describe one example of a teacher applying Piaget’s or Vygotsky’s cognitive development theories. 2. Explain why the example in A1 is an application of Piaget’s or Vygotsky’s […]

Did improved educational opportunities for women in the new nation significantly expand their participation in American society? For which women and how?Did improved educational opportunities for women in the new nation significantly expand their participation in American society? For which women and how?

Please answer the below question(s) in detail. Tie your response back to readings from this module and be sure to cite sources using APA format. Your response should be 300-500 words in length.  Did improved educational opportunities for women in the new nation significantly expand their participation in American society? For which women and how?

To critically evaluate the role of technology as represented in a journal articleTo critically evaluate the role of technology as represented in a journal article

The purpose of this assignment is to critically evaluate the view of technology as presented within the article attached. Without specifically referring to the article write down your overall impression of how technology is being portrayed in the article. Now search for evidence within the article to support your impression.   Next, you need to […]

Breaking Barriers: Building Effective School Programs for Engaging Somali FathersBreaking Barriers: Building Effective School Programs for Engaging Somali Fathers

Topic Sentences  Strong argument A. B. C. Contextualized your position Counter argument ( this is what so and so said) using sources) Conclusion ( restate your strong argument) The specific requirements for the assignment are described below: 450 to 600 words Must focus on local and regional injustice/inequitable issues in education Use at least 1 […]

Reading Notes of article “Adapting Western Research Methods to Indigenous Ways of Knowing”Reading Notes of article “Adapting Western Research Methods to Indigenous Ways of Knowing”

please fill out the reading note template with provided article Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning outcome: completeness. All sections of the Reading Notes Template have been filled in accurately, in detail This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking Depth of analysis, evaluation of information