Discipline: Education

Analyzing the effects poverty has on families, and how it directly relates to their lack of involvement in their child’s educationAnalyzing the effects poverty has on families, and how it directly relates to their lack of involvement in their child’s education

Using the proposed topic and outline attached, create a leadership paper that analyzes the meaning of social justice and the connection the selected topic has to the educational achievement gap.  In the paper, Discuss the history, progress, and future of the issue. Analyze the meaning of social justice. Share the connection your topic has to […]

Does technology contribute to the development of emergent literacy skills within early years settingsDoes technology contribute to the development of emergent literacy skills within early years settings

I need the systematic process for selecting the chosen literature/ articles for a literature review. This is the methodology part of the essay-  This needs to involve all the same keywords from different sources such as -scopus,google scholar, pubmed etc.  if possible a prisma diagram to show howyou went through all the sources using perimeters […]

Education Leadership-using chapters as reference please reply back to classmate that asked questions to my discussion postEducation Leadership-using chapters as reference please reply back to classmate that asked questions to my discussion post

INSTRUCTIONS- Please respond back to question from my classmate from my discussion post. Document is uploaded under “assignment” my discussion post then classmate responds back with questions please respond to question from classmate at the end of thier respond post. Can be one paragraph, no references needed  First one is chpater 1,2,3 from Berta, S., Blonsky, […]

M2 | Article Review~ Integrating Comprehension Strategies into Social Studies InstructionM2 | Article Review~ Integrating Comprehension Strategies into Social Studies Instruction

ARTICLE IS ATTACHED! briefly summarize the article;  identify the author’s/authors’ thesis (or argument);  identify and explain the evidence provided by the author;  evaluate the argument (Does the evidence support the thesis?  How does the evidence strengthen the author’s/authors’ argument?  Identify gaps in the author’s/authors’ argument.  Your evaluation of the argument must be detailed and demonstrate […]

Article Reflection 1-due July 9, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. Adolescent Literacy: What’s Technology Got to Do With It?Article Reflection 1-due July 9, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. Adolescent Literacy: What’s Technology Got to Do With It?

Article Reflection 1-due July 9, 2023 by 11:59 p.m.  Adolescent Literacy: What’s Technology Got to Do With It? By: National Center for Technology Innovation and Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd) http://www.adlit.org/article/35792/ Your assignment is to write an Article Reflection answering all 3 of the Reflection questions in the layout below: Follow the layout […]

Module 2: Assignment # 1 –Journal review/critique # 3: Implications of RTI for the Reading TeacherModule 2: Assignment # 1 –Journal review/critique # 3: Implications of RTI for the Reading Teacher

Review and critique of Shanahan’s suggestions in his Chapter 5, Implications… http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= https://barry.instructure.com/courses/1615322/files/67700584/download?wrap=1 Use the model when responding: What did I like? What did I learn? One question I still have. ****The (2) articles are the references****

Argue your case for curriculum enhancement through cross-curricular approaches and going beyond the classroom.Argue your case for curriculum enhancement through cross-curricular approaches and going beyond the classroom.

Essay title: Argue your case for curriculum enhancement through cross-curricular approaches andgoing beyond the classroom.  Essay: Draw upon creative subject and pedagogic examples from current research, background reading, and reflections on yourself as a learner. Refer to your experience during the module and your teaching experience, exploring the connections between.      Introduction (approx. 750 words)- Define the three terms below 1.     Discrete subject teaching & learning  (eg: Hirsh, Gardner, 2006 […]

The Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Improving IELTS Speaking and Listening Skills for Chinese English Language Learners- A Quasi-Experimental Study using TBLT approachThe Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Improving IELTS Speaking and Listening Skills for Chinese English Language Learners- A Quasi-Experimental Study using TBLT approach

Based on APA 7th edition format and style for 1st 3 chapters for the proposal. Once this proposed study is approved I will contract the same writer to finish up the last 2 chapters and content writer can add any additional informative information needed. And also I want to order 1 research paper SCCI-standard for […]

H.E. Mini-Legal Research Paper – Faculty Academic Freedom and Freedom of ExpressionH.E. Mini-Legal Research Paper – Faculty Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression

Apply the week’s course material Kaplin, W. A., Lee, B. A., Hutchens, N. H., & Rooksby, H. (2020). Chapter 6 – Faculty Academic Freedom and Freedom of ExpressionFaculty AcademiFreedom ofThe law of higher education: (6th Ed.). Wiley.  This week’s Legal Research Paper should be no more than 10 pages and focused on the legal issues germane to the […]

define or identify the general topic, issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate contex for reviewing the literaturedefine or identify the general topic, issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate contex for reviewing the literature

Literature Review Guidelines • define or identify the general topic, issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate context for reviewing the literature• point outo overall trends in what has been published about the topic; oro conflicts in theory, methodology, evidence, and conclusions; or o gaps in research and scholarship; or a single problem […]