Format of Mini-Research Proposal The proposal must be typed, doubled spaced in 11-point Calibri font size (or 12-point Times New Roman) on 5 – 6 pages (including main text only) with margins set to 1 inch. The entire proposal needs to adhere to the APA style guidelines. Your completed proposal should include: (1) a title page (on a separate page), (2) main text, and (3) references (on […]
Discipline: Education
Education Comparative Analysis: The Similarities and Differences Between Education in Each CountryEducation Comparative Analysis: The Similarities and Differences Between Education in Each Country
Introduction This will provide an overview of the whole paper. It might be nice to use a quote, followed by which lenses you used in your stories for comparison as well as which countries you compare your experiences with, and wrapping up with the main outcomes of your analysis. It is normal to finish […]
Communities of Practice in Online Learning and the Workplace No unread replies. No replies.Communities of Practice in Online Learning and the Workplace No unread replies. No replies.
The article by Wenger & Wenger-Trayner Download Wenger & Wenger-Trayner discusses the concept of a “community of practice.” Briefly discuss how this online class functions or does not function as a community of practice. How does the concept influence your participation with others in pursuing a doctoral degree? Then elaborate on at least one example of a […]
Impact on graduate student enrollment rates before and after the COVID-19 pandemicImpact on graduate student enrollment rates before and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Quantitative research problem Descriptive Research Question: Describe the graduate student enrollment rates before and after the COVID-19 pandemic Only Peer reviewed articles used as sources.
Presentation: Laws Addressing Individuals with Disabilities and Special Populations AssignmentPresentation: Laws Addressing Individuals with Disabilities and Special Populations Assignment
Presentation: Laws Addressing Individuals with Disabilities and Special Populations Assignment Instructions The candidate will create a comprehensive presentation that (a) Compares and contrasts legislative and judicial mandates related to education and special education, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act […]
IN GERMAN: Inwieweit wurde die lesekompetenz in der grundschule durch dialogisches lesen gefördert?IN GERMAN: Inwieweit wurde die lesekompetenz in der grundschule durch dialogisches lesen gefördert?
Instructions: 1. Sie formulieren eine Fragestellung aus dem Bereich Leseförderung, die Sie am Ende der Arbeit beantworten. 2.Wichtige Fachbegriffe erläutern Sie angemessen. 3. Die Arbeit sollte eigene Überlegungen beinhalten, nicht nur Entlehnungen oder Zitate. 4. Der Fachwissenschaftliche Ansatz sollte aktuell sein. 5. Stellen Sie einen Praxisbezug her. Literatur: Iglu Studie(2016) soll beachtet werden 3.000 words in […]
choose one CCr standard in Core subject area of choice. I want to do English Language Arts Standards for 3rd gradechoose one CCr standard in Core subject area of choice. I want to do English Language Arts Standards for 3rd grade
Assignment 1: Choose one CCR Standard in the CORE subject area of your choice. (Steps to access standards) to an external site. Click on Educators Click on Academic Standards Select English, Science, Math, or Socials Studies CCRS standards. Use the Resource “Unpacking the Standards” document to analyze your standard and gain in-depth knowledge about what […]
How are different groups of people impacted by the educational system regarding the topic area?How are different groups of people impacted by the educational system regarding the topic area?
1. Choose a particular identity group (e.g., race, gender, socioeconomic class, etc.) and discuss how they have been impacted by the educational system in general (this historical/sociological context of this group and their educational experiences). 2. Discuss the groups in relation to a specific educational system, for example, special education, language education, tracking system, discipline […]
Computer Assisted Language Learning – Employing CALL in ESL classes to improve learners’ writing skills. – A Systematic Literature Review in non-native English contextComputer Assisted Language Learning – Employing CALL in ESL classes to improve learners’ writing skills. – A Systematic Literature Review in non-native English context
Aim: The purpose of this assignment is to help students review the current literature on a selected topic using the systematic literature review methodology and produce and publishable format of a paper. Task: Student are expected to describe the major trends in a selected area, elaborate on several important solutions to past challenges, and identify the major […]
Topic 7-1: Phenomenological Inquiry: Sources Of Data And Data Collection & Topic 7-2Topic 7-1: Phenomenological Inquiry: Sources Of Data And Data Collection & Topic 7-2
Objectives: Distinguish appropriate sources of data for a phenomenological inquiry design. Discuss the feasibility of data collection for a phenomenological inquiry design. 150 words 2 references – TOPIC 7-1 A doctoral learner has decided to do a phenomenological study for his/her proposed dissertation research study topic because it is believed to be the best approach […]