Discipline: Education

How to Utilize Online Learning to Develop Healthy Relationships in a Virtual Environment.How to Utilize Online Learning to Develop Healthy Relationships in a Virtual Environment.

How to Utilize Online Learning to Develop Healthy Relationships in Virtual Environments Research paper will be focused on “How to Utilize Online Learning to Develop Healthy Relationships in a Virtual Environment.” Topic Header: How to Utilize Online Learning to Develop Healthy Relationships in a Virtual Environment. Main Break Down of the research paper Abstract Introduction […]

Discussion Post: conducting action research relate to deep learning for teachersDiscussion Post: conducting action research relate to deep learning for teachers

Create a discussion post based on the information below, responding to the 2 questions. At the conclusion create 1 peer question where other students may respond. Use the article as a source to cite Deeper Learning in Practice https://www.edutopia.org/blog/deeper-learning-in-practice-jennifer-kabaker Deeper Learning for Teachers 1. In the article on Deep Learning Jennifer Kabaker describes the six […]

Discussion Board: Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and Professional Learning Networks (PLN)Discussion Board: Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and Professional Learning Networks (PLN)

Use the Edutopia Link Below to answer the questions and cite from the website.  At the end of the submission, create 1 question based upon the reading/experience to propose to the other students in the class. Beyond Action Research- Professional Development for Teachers 1. Being a teacher researcher and engaging in action research is one […]

EDU220- Educational Psychology PowerPoint Presentation tie at least 3 theories/concepts from this unit’s learning to a lesson plan and/or things that you do (or will do) in your classroom.EDU220- Educational Psychology PowerPoint Presentation tie at least 3 theories/concepts from this unit’s learning to a lesson plan and/or things that you do (or will do) in your classroom.

Presentation (PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc.)– tie at least 3 theories/concepts from this unit’s learning to a lesson plan and/or things that you do (or will do) in your classroom. Be sure to use professional backgrounds and fonts. Consult the rubric for all project requirements and in order to earn the maximum points. Unit 3 Resources: […]

Reviewing one condition affecting students with disabilities- Behavior DisordersReviewing one condition affecting students with disabilities- Behavior Disorders

The purpose of this project is to allow you to acquire an in-deph understanding of the specific needs forstudents with disabilities. You will write a research paper reviewing one condition affecting students with disabilities (ex. learning disabilities, behavior disorders). You will reference a minimum of 3 peer reviewed professional articles. Your research paper should be […]

Growing power of AI to address educational inequalities in both India and IndonesiaGrowing power of AI to address educational inequalities in both India and Indonesia

While Indonesia and India share many similarities, there are also significant economic, cultural, and institutional differences between these two emerging giants in Asia. Develop a 3-year strategy for a startup which relies on the growing power of AI to address educational inequalities in both India and Indonesia. How will your strategy for India be different […]

DLLs with special needs, and disabilities developing strategies for working with children with disabilities or other special needs strategies that are effective with English learners and preschoolers in general.DLLs with special needs, and disabilities developing strategies for working with children with disabilities or other special needs strategies that are effective with English learners and preschoolers in general.

Read Preschool English Learners 2nd Edition, Chapter 7.  https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/documents/psenglearnersed2.pdfhttps://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/documents/psenglearnersed2.pdf Write a 3 page APA paper with no less than three in text citations and references on the topic of DLLs with special needs, and disabilities developing strategies for working with children with disabilities or other special needs strategies that are effective with English learners and […]

Qualitative Descriptive: Sources Of Data And Data Collection – TOPIC 3-10& TOPIC 3-2Qualitative Descriptive: Sources Of Data And Data Collection – TOPIC 3-10& TOPIC 3-2

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ANSWER EACH QUESTION IN EACH TOPIC IN YOUR PAPER Objectives: Distinguish appropriate sources of data for a qualitative descriptive design. Discuss the feasibility of data collection for a qualitative descriptive design. TOPIC 3-1 150 WORDS 2 REFERENCES 2018-2023 ONLY A doctoral learner has decided to do a qualitative descriptive study for […]

Middle school Classroom Observation and Reflection of Typical and Atypical StudentMiddle school Classroom Observation and Reflection of Typical and Atypical Student

Have this be a 6th grade classroom please. The book is attatched in the files  Turnbull, A., Turnbull, R., Wehmeyer, M. L., & Shogren, K. A. (2020). Exceptional lives: Practice, progress, & dignity in today’s schools (9th Ed.). Pearson. additional sources of info  https://ocde.us/MTSS/Pages/CA-MTSS.aspxhttps://ocde.us/MTSS/Pages/CA-MTSS.aspxhttps://ocde.us/MTSS/Pages/CA-MTSS.aspxhttps://ocde.us/MTSS/Pages/CA-MTSS.aspx Describe the setting where you did the observation in detail.Describe the […]