ROLE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT/DIRECTOR OF SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION OVERVIEW: Provide an written overview of the role of the Superintendent/Director of Schools and School Board in your district. Include in the review a brief biographical information of the Director of Schools and requirements for the role of Director of Schools. The overview should […]
Discipline: Education
Discuss the components needed for an outline of a research paper based on any topic related to English language teaching. Explain the literature review process in detail.Discuss the components needed for an outline of a research paper based on any topic related to English language teaching. Explain the literature review process in detail.
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. This assignment is the final assessment. 2. This assignment contributes 40% towards the total grade. 3. Answer ALL questions in the assignment. 4. You are allowed a maximum of one (1) attempt to submit your assignment. 5. The assignment will be made available from 6th February 2023, Monday (00:00) until 2nd […]
Classroom Behavioral Management/Positive School Culture-Self Appraisal/*Reflection (Pre/Post)Classroom Behavioral Management/Positive School Culture-Self Appraisal/*Reflection (Pre/Post)
Classroom Behavioral Management/Positive School Culture-Self Appraisal/*Reflection (Pre/Post) Student will take an assessment both Pre and Post on the essential questions related to Classroom Behavioral Management and/or Positive School Culture. The findings will be assessed both Pre and Post to assess the effectiveness of classroom instruction and student input. Student will write a reflection of their […]
The Development of a Power-Point Presentation on an approved topic on Classroom Behavioral Management and/or Positive School Culture.The Development of a Power-Point Presentation on an approved topic on Classroom Behavioral Management and/or Positive School Culture.
Students will research an approved topic under the domains of Behavioral Classroom Management and/or Positive School Culture. Student will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on an appropriate topic and share their work product with peers. Competency 3: Describe appropriate P-12 classroom management techniques by (SLO 3; FEAP 2): 1. Discussing selfdiscipline and self-regulation as the ultimate […]
Improving Instructional Practices, Policies, and Student Outcomes for Early Childhood Language and Literacy Through Data-Driven Decision MakingImproving Instructional Practices, Policies, and Student Outcomes for Early Childhood Language and Literacy Through Data-Driven Decision Making
Title: Improving Instructional Practices, Policies, and Student Outcomes for Early Childhood Language and Literacy Through Data-Driven Decision Making GUIDELINES: Your assignment will need to include the following: – Title Page – Abstract Page – Body of Article Review (3 pages) + Provide a summary about the article (main idea and key concepts). + What is […]
based on a feature length film that highlights the theories and concepts we are learning in our course.based on a feature length film that highlights the theories and concepts we are learning in our course.
Each analysis will be based on a feature length film that highlights the theories and concepts we are learning in our course. Each film is related to a particular stage of development and must be viewed during the time we are studying that stage. You will likely need to view the film you choose to […]
School law-Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Law for NJ (School Counselor/SAC)School law-Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Law for NJ (School Counselor/SAC)
The harassment, Initimidation and Bullying (HIB) Law for the state of New Jersey is comprehensive and has implications for school counselors and Student Assisitance Coordinator (SAC). This law is strictly for schools, do not address ,mental health in this paper. After reveiwing the materials please discuss any implications this law has for counselors and SAC’s. […]
In the Rush to Improve Early Childhood Education, Don’t Forget about the Teachers”In the Rush to Improve Early Childhood Education, Don’t Forget about the Teachers”
Read the article “In the Rush to Improve Early Childhood Education, Don’t Forget about the Teachers” and give a response to the following questions: (opens in a new window) Take a moment to reflect, what was the take home message the author was portraying? In a 1-2 page paper, discuss if you agreed or […]
Understand the importance of discussing, documenting, and continuously defining obligations around “safety” and “support” with the peer we served.Understand the importance of discussing, documenting, and continuously defining obligations around “safety” and “support” with the peer we served.
Please elborate on the understand the importance of discussing, documenting, and continuously defining obligations around “safety” and “support” with the peer we served. Understanding the importance of discussing, documnting, and continuously defining what constitutes support with the person served.
physical, psychological, or environmental factors in your preferred multimodal format. Sphysical, psychological, or environmental factors in your preferred multimodal format. S
Share your understanding about one of the physical, psychological, or environmental factors in your preferred multimodal format. You may choose to respond by musical demonstration (/compose sing a song response), spatial demonstration (draw a cartoon response), logical demonstration (use the scientific method: state the problem; form a hypothesis; collect data; interpret data; draw conclusions), intrapersonal […]