Discuss the difference between latches and flip-flops. Latches and flip-flops are both bistable devices used for temporary data storage. Both devices can have active low or active high inputs. A latch determines its output from its input signals only, while a flip-flop is triggered by a timing or enable input. The timing input on […]
Discipline: Engineering - Electronic Engineering
Discussion Reply: additional pros and cons where further consideration on the design process can be addressed.Discussion Reply: additional pros and cons where further consideration on the design process can be addressed.
Find an example of “back to the drawing board” due to design failure or the need to improve a design. Summarize the issues you found. Hello, This might be one of the most “back to the drawing board” inventions there is. Some historians believe there are over 20 inventors of the incandescent lamps up […]
Discussion Reply: how would you show that the characteristic equation for the complement output of a JK flip-flopDiscussion Reply: how would you show that the characteristic equation for the complement output of a JK flip-flop
Discuss the difference between latches and flip-flops: The biggest difference I took away from latches vs. flip-flops, is that a latch does NOT have a clock signal, but a flip flop will always have a clock signal. Another difference between the two is that latches are “asynchronous” and flip-flops are just synchronous. (dept-info.labri.fr) This […]
Discussion: Latches and flip-flops are considered as sequential circuits and can act as data storage devices.Discussion: Latches and flip-flops are considered as sequential circuits and can act as data storage devices.
Latches and flip-flops are considered as sequential circuits and can act as data storage devices. In this discussion let’s learn about major differences between latches and flipflops. We are also going to discuss major applications where flipflops are and why. In your original post, answer the following: Discuss the difference between latches and flip-flops. […]
To further enhance discussion and understand logic circuit, in your own words how would you draw the logic circuit for detecting odd numbers below 32? (show your truth table & logic circuit)To further enhance discussion and understand logic circuit, in your own words how would you draw the logic circuit for detecting odd numbers below 32? (show your truth table & logic circuit)
Is the NOR gate a universal gate? The NOR gate is a universal gate. A universal gate is a logic gate that can implement any Boolean function without using any other type of logic gate. The NOR gate is a universal gate; therefore, one can create any logical Boolean expression using the NOR gate. […]
Discussion Reply!!! About 50 words differences between analog and digital technologyDiscussion Reply!!! About 50 words differences between analog and digital technology
1- Explain the basic differences between analog and digital technology. In analog technology, in its original form, a wave is captured or used. So for instance, a signal is taken straight from the microphone of an analog tape recorder and laid on tape. An analog wave is the wave from the microphone, and so the […]
Discussion Post: Computer Aided Design (CAD) is utilized in a variety of fields.Discussion Post: Computer Aided Design (CAD) is utilized in a variety of fields.
Today, Computer Aided Design (CAD) is utilized in a variety of fields. Engineers, architects, and industrialists have incorporated CAD into complex designs for more efficiency and to save time. Traditionally, designers used drafting machines (drawing tables), which took a long time to produce blueprints. For example, if a designer made a mistake on the […]
Discussion: Power AmplifiersDiscussion: Power Amplifiers
In your original post, answer the following: In your own words, explain the different classes of the power amplifiers (Class-A, Class-B, Class-AB and Class-C) and mention where the Q-point is for each one. Also mention about their applications. What is the difference between a 200W stereo amplifier and a 100 W stereo amplifier in […]
Discussion Reply: Provide additional questions they might want to research and additional ideas for sources that would be useful.Discussion Reply: Provide additional questions they might want to research and additional ideas for sources that would be useful.
Provide suggestions about how they might improve or narrow their topics. Provide additional questions they might want to research and additional ideas for sources that would be useful. I am trying to find a good argumentative topic. However, I decided to use Meditation, because I recently started using it. If it is not […]
Provide additional questions they might want to research and additional ideas for sources that would be useful.Provide additional questions they might want to research and additional ideas for sources that would be useful.
address the following: Provide suggestions about how they might improve or narrow their topics. Provide additional questions they might want to research and additional ideas for sources that would be useful. For my topic I decided to go with something that means a lot to me. I am a mother and I love […]