Discipline: Engineering - Electronic Engineering

Discussion Reply: High Filter passDiscussion Reply: High Filter pass

  High-pass filters are circuits that allow relatively high frequency  signals to be transmitted through the input to the output while  attenuating relatively low frequency signals. Conversely, low-pass  filters are circuits that allow relatively low frequency signals to be  transmitted through the input to the output while attenuating relatively  high frequency signals.  Common-emitter BJTs have […]

Discussion: Frequency ResponseDiscussion: Frequency Response

  Small-signal amplification and power amplification are dependent on  the application where they are going to be applied.  In most cases, the  frequency range of the signal is critical to its ability to carry the  information that is being transferred.   In this activity, we will explore the effects of the internal and  external capacitances on […]

Discussion Reply!!! Share your thoughts and give brief and helpful suggestions.Discussion Reply!!! Share your thoughts and give brief and helpful suggestions.

  I am going to talk about the basic operation MOSFET. MOSFET stands for metal oxide semiconductor field-effect  transistor. Like any conventional transistor, it is a type of transistor  with many applications in modern power electronics. Moreover, its  functioning is based on how electricity flows through it. It is  important to note that there are many […]

Discussion Reply: Types of AmplifiersDiscussion Reply: Types of Amplifiers

  In your own words compare the applications of different amplifier types and classes. Types of Amplifiers: a) Linear Amplifiers – These amplifiers are used to amplify weak  signals without distortion. They are commonly used in communication  systems, audio equipment, and instrumentation. b) Non-Linear Amplifiers – These amplifiers are used to amplify  signals with nonlinear […]