Discipline: English

Unit Essay Peer Review: Comment on two of your peers’ critical responses from week 2Unit Essay Peer Review: Comment on two of your peers’ critical responses from week 2

Unit Essay Peer Review Requirements: Your peer essay review is an annotated draft and response letter.  What’s in a peer review?    1. You should read your partner’s work three times. First, read it all the way through without stopping to get the overall effect. Did it make sense? Could you follow their logic?  2. For […]

Proposal Essay (Should third-world countries be held to the same levels of pollution control as more advanced nations?)Proposal Essay (Should third-world countries be held to the same levels of pollution control as more advanced nations?)

Topic: Should third-world countries be held to the same levels of pollution control as more advanced nations? Unit III: Proposal Description: You will write a 1000 word essay proposing a policy change that has a direct effect on you. In your proposal, you must address the need for a change and argue for its urgency and necessity. […]

Do families, or people outside of families who choose to mentor or help individuals, mean more or less than the work an individual puts into developing his own success?Do families, or people outside of families who choose to mentor or help individuals, mean more or less than the work an individual puts into developing his own success?

Essay 1 Assignment This first assignment will help you toward mastering important technical skills for summarizing of a multipage text, using paraphrase and quotation, engaging in the writing process, producing a multipage essay, using the tools of analysis, interpretation, and argument, integrating source material, and writing effective complex sentences without a pattern of errors. Task […]

What has your personal experience of LA been like? How do you define your Los Angeles?What has your personal experience of LA been like? How do you define your Los Angeles?

Essay 1: My Los Angeles Background In his article, In My Los Angeles, Hollywood Was a Thousand Miles Away,” Walter Thompson-Hernández writes about his own experience of Los Angeles and how this experience challenges some of the common perceptions of LA, particularly perceptions held by people who don’t live here. While he doesn’t give us […]

Research Paper on Annual Influenza Vaccination in older adults residing in a long term care facilityResearch Paper on Annual Influenza Vaccination in older adults residing in a long term care facility

The APA Research Paper must follow the guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/Links to an external site.) that will assist with APA writing. The research paper should focus on a current trend, event or issues occurring in your field of study. […]

Unit 2: Composition (Two Articles Audience Analysis Memo) ASSIGNMENT Submission FolderUnit 2: Composition (Two Articles Audience Analysis Memo) ASSIGNMENT Submission Folder

Unit 2: Composition (Two Articles Audience Analysis Memo) ASSIGNMENT Submission Folder Submit the final copy of your essay here. Essays can be submitted as PDF attachments. You must submit your final essay polished and free of grammatical errors. Unit 2: Composition Instructions Audience Assignment Format and Length Requirements: memo (Google “memo format” and refer to the […]

Final Project: Critical Analysis Essay Exploring: The Human/Nature Relationship Text: “Speaking of Nature” by Robin Wall KimmererFinal Project: Critical Analysis Essay Exploring: The Human/Nature Relationship Text: “Speaking of Nature” by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Your assignment: Craft an argument in which you analyze Kimmerer’s stance on language and nature, and offer your own position. You may agree or disagree with Kimmerer. Either way, build your own argument based on a critique of her essay and have a clear thesis statement. Use specific examples from Kimmerer to support your argument, including […]

– You can discuss the protests regarding black deaths/injuries at the hands of police.– You can discuss the protests regarding black deaths/injuries at the hands of police.

Write an essay about some issue that’s provocative to you (i.e., something about which you can make an argument). It should be 2.5-3 pages. The format is on the syllabus. I always say that the best papers are those that are meaningful to you. Just remember that almost nothing is simply one side or another; […]

Methods for reducing bullying in schools should/ should not start in early childhoodMethods for reducing bullying in schools should/ should not start in early childhood

Locate five sources that will be helpful in the research of your final paper. You’re going to submit these           sources in the form of an annotated bibliography. “Annotation” is another word for “notes.” Using APA formatting, write the name of the source. Directly below the source, write an annotation of […]

Textual Analysis Exercise – Reflective Essay in Response to Hitz’s “How Washing Dishes Restored My Intellectual Life”Textual Analysis Exercise – Reflective Essay in Response to Hitz’s “How Washing Dishes Restored My Intellectual Life”

Assignment Overview: For your first writing project, you will write a reflective essay in response to our first reading, “How Washing Dishes Restored My Intellectual Life” by Zena Hitz. You will demonstrate a full understanding of the assigned text as well as application of three assigned rhetorical strategies that Hitz uses in her text. You […]