Discipline: English

English QuestionEnglish Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. This week, you will submit an outline and thesis statement for your informative paper. When you write an informative essay that presents two sides of an issue without revealing bias, there are three primary organizational tactics […]

Articles and read analyzeArticles and read analyze

Read Erickson first then read Orwell after that answer this question  Question: Kai Erikson describes communities as being “boundary maintaining” (9), which means they share a defined geographic and/or cultural space.  He argues that any behavior that pushes or crosses that boundary is considered “inappropriate or immoral” (10) i.e. deviant.  How might this definition help […]

Writing assignmentsWriting assignments

Read the prompts on page 91 of your textbook. Choose one and write one paragraph about it. Use Possessives and Pronouns in your writing. Write at least 10 sentences.Underline or highlight the possessives and the pronouns. 1. How is a typical wedding in your native culture different from a typical American wedding? OR 2. What […]

APA formatAPA format

Identify a problem related to the topic “Workplace Harassment and Discrimination”. This assignment should be 2–3 pages in length using APA format. Chapter 1—The Introduction includes: Background Context (includes critical incident and ethical considerations related to the problem), Problem Statement, Purpose of Study, and Significance of Research—use subheadings to frame your chapter. Use support from […]


A quadratic programming model is an optimization model with n decision variables and m linear constraints, and of the form: Minimize Z=12xTQx+cTx   Subject to: Ax≥b   x≥0   Where x is the n by 1 column vector of decision variables and xT is its transpose, Q is an n by n symmetric matrix of […]


The benefit of early detection of an emerging infectious disease (EID) is obvious.  Recall that the sooner a countermeasure can be implemented, the smaller the epi-curve becomes.  Yet, we sometimes miss clues that are right in front of us. The point here is to recognize the very real linkages between human health and the environment.  These […]

AP EnglishAP English

Argument Essy (Formative) Educational psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth argues that intelligence and talent are overrated as determinants of long-term success and that the most important predictor of achievement is a trait called grit, which she defines as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” Duckworth further notes that the “gritty individual approaches achievement as a marathon; […]

2.7 Reading Response Journal for “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” or “A Real Durwan”2.7 Reading Response Journal for “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” or “A Real Durwan”

  Building our Knowledge of the Story Cycle Like the previous discussion post, compose a reading reflection journal in which you discuss one, or one set, of the themes listed below in one of the stories, “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine,” or “A Real Durwan.” To do so, make sure that you present evidence […]