Discipline: Environmental Science

What is the main goal of environmental policy? Describe the “tragedy of the commons” and external costs, and explain why environmental policy would focus on these problems.What is the main goal of environmental policy? Describe the “tragedy of the commons” and external costs, and explain why environmental policy would focus on these problems.

1. Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion. 2. Student demonstrated proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style, etc. 3. Student demonstrated an understanding of course content and key concepts, as discussed in the text. 4. Student was able to examine, assess, evaluate, and/or analyze course content and key concepts. 5. Student provided a clear […]

MUN Opening speech about Kenya sustainable society where you put the problem put solutions and actionsMUN Opening speech about Kenya sustainable society where you put the problem put solutions and actions

Write a MUN opening speech for Kenya delegate about Kenya sustainable society where you should have the following ProblemThe specific problem you want to solve – 1 line. ClashSolution – What you want to do about the issue – 1 line. InformationBack up your views on the issue and solutions with facts from research. – 2 lines ActionSolution Details – […]

Potential Disadvantages of Invasive Plant Species in Washington State and How They Impact the Biodiversity of Native Plant Species and Their Ecosystems.Potential Disadvantages of Invasive Plant Species in Washington State and How They Impact the Biodiversity of Native Plant Species and Their Ecosystems.

Your literature review should update an academic audience about the research that has already been done on that topic and what remains to be done to better understand it. The review should be 9-10 pages (double spaced, one-inch margin). You may use any citation method you want as long as you stick to it throughout […]

Should environmental activists support nuclear power as a short-term alternative to fossil fuels?Should environmental activists support nuclear power as a short-term alternative to fossil fuels?

Revise the attached essay. The essay shpould show substantial revision from the original copy. This project will be evaluated on the amount of labor put into transforming the draft. Also consult the guidelines and rubric attached.  Consult and address the following feedback on the essay: The last body paragraph addresses potential counterarguments, which is a […]

This is not a summary or review of someone else’s case study; it should be your own analysis of an energy problem and creation of a model. It can be an original issue or an expansion of a published case study.This is not a summary or review of someone else’s case study; it should be your own analysis of an energy problem and creation of a model. It can be an original issue or an expansion of a published case study.

This is not a summary or review of someone else’s case study; it should be your own analysis of an energy problem and creation of a model. It can be an original issue or an expansion of a published case study.15 pages and include separate sections on (a) literature review (preferably with 10 citations to […]

Protected Areas (PAs): costs & benefits that PAs might provide for biodiversity conservation & people; opportunities & risks – planned large-scale expansion of PAs, critically reflecting on PA effectiveness, opportunity costs & human–wildlife interactionsProtected Areas (PAs): costs & benefits that PAs might provide for biodiversity conservation & people; opportunities & risks – planned large-scale expansion of PAs, critically reflecting on PA effectiveness, opportunity costs & human–wildlife interactions

Full, detailed assignment description: Area based conservation measures to protect and restore biodiversity include the use of Protected Areas. Outline the costs and benefits that Protected Areas might be able to provide for biodiversity conservation (10) and people (10). Discuss opportunities and risks associated with planned large-scale expansion of protected areas (i.e. following agreements of 30 […]

Predation control – why is it necessary in some contexts and controversial; critically assess three forms of lethal and non-lethal control to reduce predation pressure (pros & cons) and circumstances determining whether each form would work well or not.Predation control – why is it necessary in some contexts and controversial; critically assess three forms of lethal and non-lethal control to reduce predation pressure (pros & cons) and circumstances determining whether each form would work well or not.

Full, detailed assignment topic: Outline why predator control is considered necessary in some contexts and why it is controversial [10]. Assess critically three forms of lethal and non-lethal control to reduce predation pressure, considering the pros and cons of each [30] and the circumstances determining whether each form would work well or not [10]. Support […]

Invasive species in Florida ( Burmese pythons is the main species to focus on but other species can be included )Invasive species in Florida ( Burmese pythons is the main species to focus on but other species can be included )

Environmental Science project assignment 60 points For this project, you’re going to choose an environmental topic and then work on becoming well- informed on it and reading critically about it. Please read and follow these instructions carefully as you carry out the steps in the assignment. Assignment Due date and time   Choose a current […]

Developing and Collaborating on Training & Sustainability and Environmental Gentrification (Discussion Post + Replies)Developing and Collaborating on Training & Sustainability and Environmental Gentrification (Discussion Post + Replies)

(TOPIC 1)Reflect back on the FMEA discussion from Week 5 and recommendations you made to the process.  Summarize the training you would develop to educate the workers on the recommendations you made.  (My discussion post from week5) Setting up a brand-new water heating system in a home or commercial structure is what plumbers call an […]

Impact of Rising Temperatures on Inuit ‘indigenous’ people’s way of living in the ArcticImpact of Rising Temperatures on Inuit ‘indigenous’ people’s way of living in the Arctic

FOLLOW THYE FEEDBACK AND IMPROVE IT Feedback from the  short proposal This is overall a very strong proposal that indicates both a strong engagement with the theme/initial resources as well as attention to detail (including the instructions). I have left some more specific comments in-text, especially around citation/reference styles, but also some ways you might […]