Discipline: Environmental Science

Air and Water Quality Issues for New Mexico and the regulations or programs being adopted to solve them.Air and Water Quality Issues for New Mexico and the regulations or programs being adopted to solve them.

Use website https://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/epa-your-state New Mexico 1. Introduce the state of New Mexico and summarize the issues associated with air and water quality and the regulations and programs being adopted to solve the issues. 2. Analyze whether or not the programs to address air and water issues will succeed and if they are worth the work […]

what’re the issues surrounding lumbering and deforestation? why is it so bad for the environment?what’re the issues surrounding lumbering and deforestation? why is it so bad for the environment?

Explanatory essay in MLA format expanded/derived from a previously written persuasive essay outline(in attached files). assignment guidelines and details are provided in attached files as well as a list of useable sources. the assignment calls for at least 7 but no more than 10 sources cited. if you are having trouble accessing the sources text […]

Research paper on electric car batteries and the effect on our environment when recycledResearch paper on electric car batteries and the effect on our environment when recycled

Research paper on electric car, batteries, and what the effect will be on the environment when it comes time to recycle them in the United States Topic Thesis statement  Research question 8 to 10 good sources listed below they must be scholarly and at least one quasi-scholarly like the New Yorker or the Atlantic HTTPS://www.theAtlantic.com/science/archive2022/07/electric-cars-climate-change-environmental-impact/670505/ […]

write a paper discussing the reliability of eyewitnesses. The paper must cover the problems of using eyewitness information,write a paper discussing the reliability of eyewitnesses. The paper must cover the problems of using eyewitness information,

write a paper discussing the reliability of eyewitnesses. The paper must cover the problems of using eyewitness information, where the problems occur, how to minimize it, and alternatives for eyewitness statements. You are welcome to obtain additional references, but you do not have to. Either way, include a bibliography and be sure to cite your […]

Polar Bear International Canada Hudson Bay Sea ice Ecoregions- Virtual Field TripPolar Bear International Canada Hudson Bay Sea ice Ecoregions- Virtual Field Trip

Please only refernce the video link provided and the attached sustainable design picture to answer the questions below. Reflection on Virtual Field Trip: 1. How do challenges that polar bears face relate to the Sustainable Development Goals (choose one SDG for your response). Be clear, specific and write with good detail. 2. How do you […]

Research title “Understanding drought and high temperature impact on crops and natural vegetations under a geoengineered climate”Research title “Understanding drought and high temperature impact on crops and natural vegetations under a geoengineered climate”

 The assignment is to produce a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation to:   i) Summarise the findings from your literature review, ii) Provide your outline research questions that will guide your research project, and iii) Explain how you propose to collect data for your research    This presentation represents 50% of the marks for this module.   […]

How does the use of electric cars impact greenhouse gas emissions and what are the environmental implications of their production and disposal?How does the use of electric cars impact greenhouse gas emissions and what are the environmental implications of their production and disposal?

It’s an internal assesment for the IB diploma for the course Environmental systems and societies, it starts with this Every year electric cars are becoming more prevalent in our day to day life, however whenever they are brought up there seems to be the same discussion over and over again, with some people arguing that […]

Climate change NYC/PlaNYC/OneNYC/Deblasio/Bloomberg/Biden/Climate gentrification/Air castingClimate change NYC/PlaNYC/OneNYC/Deblasio/Bloomberg/Biden/Climate gentrification/Air casting

Requirements • Show evidence that all research has been completed • Present a cogent argument (incorporating a set of claims, reasoning and evidence) to address your research question(s) • Comprise a full report including completion of all introduction/executive summary, background, methodology, analysis, and conclusions sections appropriate to the demands of your own research project • […]

The ecological and economic impact of Hurricane Fiona, including the impact on wildlife and the costs of recovery and rebuildingThe ecological and economic impact of Hurricane Fiona, including the impact on wildlife and the costs of recovery and rebuilding

Please proofread/rewrite the paper according to the comments received from TA and the project guideline Note that by “Hurricane Fiona” I’m addressing the hurricane that hit Canada in 2022, please do not analyze other hurricanes of the same name in this paper Comment from TA: “First of all, I cannot tell which hurricane you are […]

The introduction of Nutria into Louisiana possesses negative impact on the survival of wetland vegetation populations.The introduction of Nutria into Louisiana possesses negative impact on the survival of wetland vegetation populations.

I must complete this assignment by the deadline I have set. This is a poster assignment in which the individual must fill out the information for their topic in a formatted poster template that I have already provided. I will, of course, attach the template, and I would appreciate it if you could complete the […]