Discipline: Ethics

My topic is about Healthcare spending. The program I will be funding is “Should the Health Department use part of its budget to implement a new First-time Mothers program, even though the cost is substantial?”My topic is about Healthcare spending. The program I will be funding is “Should the Health Department use part of its budget to implement a new First-time Mothers program, even though the cost is substantial?”

Term paper Instructions Students may write a 5 page paper (not including title pages or references)  Like we do for the case studies, for term papers, students are advised to: Use the 3-step Ethical analysis approach (from Week 1. slides): which are; Ethical analysis approach: 1. Identification  ·       Identify the ethical concern/problem  ·       Identify the stakeholders • Evaluate the […]

elect one of any of the articles we have covered this semester (for instance Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, Mill, Nietzsche etc) and describe what you take the principal argument[s] to beelect one of any of the articles we have covered this semester (for instance Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, Mill, Nietzsche etc) and describe what you take the principal argument[s] to be

Select one of any of the articles we have covered this semester (for instance Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, Mill, Nietzsche etc) and describe what you take the principal argument[s] to be. Your answers should be at a minimum one paragraph in length or as long as you like up to a total of two pages. This generally […]

write a Giving Voice to Values scenario of your own – one that would be more relevant to your life/the life of a college student/life of a recent college graduate.write a Giving Voice to Values scenario of your own – one that would be more relevant to your life/the life of a college student/life of a recent college graduate.

Your goal is to write a Giving Voice to Values scenario of your own – one that would be more relevant to your life/the life of a college student/life of a recent college graduate.   This could be particularly useful if you think about a situation you could potentially face, and might give you useful […]

Business Ethics and philosophy: A case study of ethical issue[s] at Gucci in Shenzhen China” (by Li Wang & Robin Stanley Snell)Business Ethics and philosophy: A case study of ethical issue[s] at Gucci in Shenzhen China” (by Li Wang & Robin Stanley Snell)

This essay requires you to read a specific case, “A case study of ethical issue[s] at Gucci in Shenzhen China” (by Li Wang & Robin Stanley Snell). ___________________________________  Scenario: You are the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of Americana Software Solutions, based in Toledo, Ohio, USA. Americana Software Solutions is, under your management team’s leadership, planning to establish an office in […]

It should address how you plan to use what you have learned to succeed in the workplace. At a minimum, your paper should cover: Your “Why” Communication – Do’s and Don’ts , Problem Solving and EthicsIt should address how you plan to use what you have learned to succeed in the workplace. At a minimum, your paper should cover: Your “Why” Communication – Do’s and Don’ts , Problem Solving and Ethics

Your final exam will be a self-assessment. Please write a two-page doubled-spaced paper, 12pt Font, Times New Roman that covers all of the major topics that we have covered this semester. It should address how you plan to use what you have learned to succeed in the workplace. At a minimum, your paper should cover: […]

Should big corporations such as Starbucks morally obligated to fire someone with learning disabilities?Should big corporations such as Starbucks morally obligated to fire someone with learning disabilities?

  Content  Issue: A newly hired worker in Starbucks has learning disabilities. After a month of training, the person still dont know 80% of the recipies and keeps asking questions about what to do. This creates problem with the other workers because they cannot focus on their job because they have to babysit 1 worker.  […]

Ethics of Personal Health Choices: Should terminally ill patients have the right to physician-assisted death?Ethics of Personal Health Choices: Should terminally ill patients have the right to physician-assisted death?

Ethics of Personal Health Choices   Purpose: In this assignment you will be examining your own opinions related to personal choices made about a specific health behavior. The goal of this project is for you to not only express and defend your opinion about a provide health behavior statement but to explore the viewpoint you […]

DJT1 TASK 2 – Argumentative Research Paper on IS THE DEATH PENALTY A JUST PUNISHMENT?DJT1 TASK 2 – Argumentative Research Paper on IS THE DEATH PENALTY A JUST PUNISHMENT?

INTRODUCTION Task 2: Argumentative Research Paper Writing a research paper gives you an opportunity to explore a topic of special interest, research that topic, and organize your research findings in writing for an academic audience. Through your preparation work, you have established an argumentative thesis statement and have planned a clear organization of your main […]

three* ideas, concepts, arguments or thinkers that stood out for you the most, summarize each (in at least 3-4 sentences), and then explain why these choices stood out for you.three* ideas, concepts, arguments or thinkers that stood out for you the most, summarize each (in at least 3-4 sentences), and then explain why these choices stood out for you.

We have come to the end of our 8-week examination of contemporary moral issues – and we have covered a lot of ground! What I would like you to do for your final assignment is choose *three* ideas, concepts, arguments or thinkers that stood out for you the most, summarize each (in at least 3-4 […]

Ethics Discussion Post-Have you seen the movie Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room?Ethics Discussion Post-Have you seen the movie Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room?

Please see the attached questions. Some of these questions are about the movie  Embedded Video Player: Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room And some questions about the following articles https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-moral/ https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4679-corporate-social-responsibility.html https://www.pensar.co.uk/blog/corporate-social-responsibility-company-bother