Discipline: Ethics

Topic Option #1 – For-Profit Prisons and the Justice System -OR- Topic Option #2 – Corporate Responsibility and Animal RightsTopic Option #1 – For-Profit Prisons and the Justice System -OR- Topic Option #2 – Corporate Responsibility and Animal Rights

PHIL 2060 – Business Ethics Paper #2 Due Date: April 19th Format: in-text citations (author p#) double spaced 1″ margins 12 pt. Times New Roman 5 pages Paper #2 Making a Moral Argument Thiroux’s Five Humanitarian Principles: Principle of Goodness Value of Life Principle Principle of Justice Principle of Honesty Principle of Autonomy Moral Theories: […]

A Killer Bargain: The Human Cost of Cheap Consumer Goods: Business Ethics AnalysisA Killer Bargain: The Human Cost of Cheap Consumer Goods: Business Ethics Analysis

Movie: A Killer Bargain: The Human Cost of Cheap Consumer Goods Ethics and Conduct of Business by Boatright- You will use the chapters who you beleove are the most relevant to the reading and according to the questions below. this is because these miviw is our last week of class and specific chaptwr reading wasnt […]

Ethical Dilemma: Is it ethical for the Director of the NSA to have this plan implemented?Ethical Dilemma: Is it ethical for the Director of the NSA to have this plan implemented?

Each section should be separate and marked with its own section title.     Copy and paste the case and ethical dilemma you going to analyze     Identify the moral agent.    What of value is at stake?    Who/what are the stakeholders?    Possible courses of action (identify the required 2 – to do the action of the […]

Persuasive web article—“What does being the 26th constitutional carry state mean for Florida’s vulnerable inhabitants.”Persuasive web article—“What does being the 26th constitutional carry state mean for Florida’s vulnerable inhabitants.”

Persuasive Web Article: For my web article, I plan for the title to be “What does being the 26th constitutional carry state mean for Florida’s vulnerable inhabitants.”  I will be directing my writing towards Floridians who, now that permitless carry is in order, will be more vulnerable. This includes but is not limited to children, […]

Ethics: What would Kant Regard as Right Action in the Henrietta Lacks Case StudyEthics: What would Kant Regard as Right Action in the Henrietta Lacks Case Study

For this assignment you will need to watch the following video on the HeLa cells and the debate regarding the use of cells without permission or finacial gain for the patient Henrietta Lacks. link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU5uCiV0MyQ&t=4shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU5uCiV0MyQ&t=4shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU5uCiV0MyQ&t=4s 1. For the purpose of this paper you are going to consider what Kant would argue regarding the […]

“Due to recent events, we are closer to conflict with a near peer adversary than we have been in decades, as an Air Force Reservist, what are you plans?”“Due to recent events, we are closer to conflict with a near peer adversary than we have been in decades, as an Air Force Reservist, what are you plans?”

Present a clear and coherent program with an emphasis on supporting evidence.  Present a clear and coherent program with an emphasis on supporting evidence.  Present a clear and coherent program with an emphasis on supporting evidence.  Present a clear and coherent program with an emphasis on supporting evidence.   “Due to recent events, we are closer […]

375 01-01 Examine the various elements that help to define ethics and organizational ethics.375 01-01 Examine the various elements that help to define ethics and organizational ethics.

Responses typed, using a standard font, 12-point type size, double-spaced, with overall neatness and readability.    Restatement of the question.    Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion.    Student demonstrated an understanding of course content and key concepts, as discussed in the text.    Student was able to examine, assess, evaluate, and/or analyze course content […]

3) If the result of human experimentation is generally positive for humanity, should the rights of individuals be considered when conducting such experiments?3) If the result of human experimentation is generally positive for humanity, should the rights of individuals be considered when conducting such experiments?

Course: BIOMEDICAL ETHICS TOPIC: If the result of human experimentation is generally positive for humanity, should the rights of individuals be considered when conducting such experiments? Provide a reasoned and critical response of approximately 2000 words (+/-10%). There should be both evidence of reading and critical reflection on the topic and application of the issue […]

A report on the case described in the videos, related to water contamination in California.A report on the case described in the videos, related to water contamination in California.

This assignment is for you to write a report on the case described in the videos, related to water contamination in California. Times New Roman 12, single line spacing, minimum 860 words Please use titles and subtitles to make reading easier. 1. Case summary – what are the facts, what happened (facts only, no interpretation […]

Workplace Violence Reflection; Please look at instructions below for full detailsWorkplace Violence Reflection; Please look at instructions below for full details

Reflect on a workplace violence situation you have either witnessed, experienced, or heard about in a professional setting. Write analyzing this experience using the following prompts: What factors are increasing the epidemic of workplace violence? Why are these factors increasing workplace violence? Identify 2–3 variables that individuals have control over and how they can help […]