Discipline: Ethics

Approaching the issue of Transgenderism by contrasting ethical relativism and graded absolutismApproaching the issue of Transgenderism by contrasting ethical relativism and graded absolutism

Most sources from Christian Evangelical sources (Christian Ethics) balanced with secular ethics aimed for a Christian audience. I will provide my own cover page. Assignment: Write 3000-4000-word paper guided by Grudem’s approach to Christian ethics. Choose one of the topics listed in Grudem Chapters 9 to 42. Describe why that issue is important to contemporary […]

From the colonial period until the turn of the 20th century, the U.S. continued the “American Paradox” and failed to resolve the conflicts and problems between races (Blacks, Indians).From the colonial period until the turn of the 20th century, the U.S. continued the “American Paradox” and failed to resolve the conflicts and problems between races (Blacks, Indians).

Write an 5 pages essay by answering the Question: •If race structures inequality, as Michael Omi and Howard Winant argue, then from the colonial period to the turn of the twentieth century, did the United States either resolve or reaffirm the American Paradox vis-à-vis not only African Americans, but also Native Americans and other nonwhites? […]

What are two social causes of pverty What common beliefs, opinions, or assumptions about work and action work to hide the social reality of poverty from us?What are two social causes of pverty What common beliefs, opinions, or assumptions about work and action work to hide the social reality of poverty from us?

Think about the issue of poverty. The basic idea of the Social Problems textbook is that social problems, like poverty, are not primarily caused by or the result of personal decision-making or character. What are two social causes of poverty in our world? How do these factors end up causing or continuing to maintain an impoverished class of citizens?  […]

contemporary (within the last five years) case relevant to business ethics or a general theme important to business ethicscontemporary (within the last five years) case relevant to business ethics or a general theme important to business ethics

Regulations and standard practices regarding food handling in the restaurant industry are unethical. The way food is handled leaves both workers and customers susceptible to illness. Therefore, this situation is unethical because____”. I suggest you choose just one (maybe two) of the topics listed and really focus on it. In the paper, be sure to focus […]

Take position on an issue. Do you think cultural sensitivity is important in healthcare? Discuss and support your position.Take position on an issue. Do you think cultural sensitivity is important in healthcare? Discuss and support your position.

The purpose of the final paper is to argue in support of a position you take on an issue. The paper will assess the quality of your argument and writing. Choose from one of the following topics : Do you think cultural sensitivity is important in healthcare? Discuss and support your position. This is a scholarly […]

paper that examines end-of-life issues in relationship to hospitals, professional ethics, and accrediting bodies.paper that examines end-of-life issues in relationship to hospitals, professional ethics, and accrediting bodies.

Write a 2-3 page paper that examines end-of-life issues in relationship to hospitals, professional ethics, and accrediting bodies. How Institutional Conceptual Frameworks Influence Ethical Decision Making We wrap things up by exploring institutions and groups designed to help ensure that hospital staff at all levels think and act ethically in caring for patients. Accrediting bodies […]

What in your view is a happy life, and can we attain it? If we can become genuinely happy, how? Can an atheist be genuinely happy? Why/ Why not? Is there any group whose members cannot be happy no matter how hard they try? Why/ Why not?What in your view is a happy life, and can we attain it? If we can become genuinely happy, how? Can an atheist be genuinely happy? Why/ Why not? Is there any group whose members cannot be happy no matter how hard they try? Why/ Why not?

The essay has to be written as a discussion, 6 pages, 3 or more sources, reference page to the back of essay, only short quotations, not many quotations,  A discursive essay is an informal essay discussing a controversial topic. The writer of a discursive essay attempts to represent both sides as completely as possible, while […]

Introduction: You read about and practiced with concepts related to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and human rights. Now you will apply some of these concepts to a scenario.Introduction: You read about and practiced with concepts related to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and human rights. Now you will apply some of these concepts to a scenario.

Read the following scenario and respond in a minimum of 250 words Microsoft® Word® document concerning the following: A cashier employed for 18 years ate a bag of potato chips without buying them while at work. She paid for the bag as soon as her shift ended. She was fired. The employee ate the chips […]

Voting rights: Race, Sex & Gender – A complicated history towards voting equalityVoting rights: Race, Sex & Gender – A complicated history towards voting equality

Instructions: Submit a Discussion Post that includes the following information: a combination of a concise summary regarding the materials you learned from (to begin a very short summary in no more than 5-8 sentences – “saying” what the materials were about) plus an ANALYZATION via a personal & critical reflection on what you watched/read/learned/analyzed this week (all assigned materials), your […]

Describe the ethics, and legality in, an IT organization: Ethics of Māori data sovereignty; principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; Information Systems in OrganizationsDescribe the ethics, and legality in, an IT organization: Ethics of Māori data sovereignty; principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; Information Systems in Organizations

1. Describe information system solutions to address the needs andopportunities of an IT organisation. 4. Describe and apply knowledge of ethics and legality to complywith the requirements of an IT organization. 5. Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills. Describe the ethics,and legality in, an IT organization: Ethics of Māori data sovereignty;principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; […]