Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Second discussion Revenue Cycle Management Revenue cycle management is an important function for healthcare systems. The management of the review cycle management focus on key metrics: • Dates of Service Outstanding (DSO) • Net Percentage Collection […]
Discipline: Finance
case studyscase studys
Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Read the detailed case study attached below. Use the economics concepts learned in Chapter one to answer the following questions: Maya earns $50/hour. John earns $45/hour + 5% commission + bonus (commission and bonus are based […]
profit versus cashprofit versus cash
Business Plan Invest SAR 500,000 cash savings for capital equipment and “working capital. ” (In an emergency, you can borrow up to another SAR 200,000 from friends and family) Buy Capital Equipment for SAR300,000 during organizing period for business , 3 years useful life Acquire upfront-paid services – SAR 5/service (“variable cost” as depends on […]
Geometric Brownian Motion questionGeometric Brownian Motion question
Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance question and need guidance to help me learn. Problem 6Let S1(t) and S2(t) be the prices of 2 securities obeying geometric Brownian motions:dSi(t) = (mi − qi) Si(t)dt + σi Si(t)dBi(t), i = 1, 2where qi is the annual dividend yield rate, σi is the annual volatility, and […]
Capital BudgetingCapital Budgeting
Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Capital budgeting is a complicated process that is essential to good investment decisions by a company. Please give an example of a capital budgeting decision a company might need to make. Are there examples in using […]
Currency swaps and Rate Options StrategyCurrency swaps and Rate Options Strategy
Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. 1. Please read the article, and answer the following questions (1100 words), also please provide references. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/19/the-fed-is-extending-its-currency-exchange-program-to-more-central-banks-around-the-world.html Why did the Fed extend currency swap lines to these Central banks? Other than central banks who else enters […]
Final reportFinal report
Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. I would like to have help with the Final report for internship training. Include the following points: Assist with month-end financial reports Post journal entries Using a platform for all the financial processes. Assist with audits Balance […]
Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Benchmarking is the process of comparing the cost, cycle time, productivity, or quality of a specific process or method to another that is widely considered to be an industry standard or best practice. The term benchmarking was […]
Finance QuestionFinance Question
Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance discussion question and need guidance to help me learn. Staffing Turnover (125 points) Review the Corporate Strategic Plan for Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital: https://assets.dsfh.med.sa/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Corporate-Strategic-Plan-2018-2020-1.pdf. One of the Strategic Directives listed is “Invest in People & Development,” which is explained in detail on page 14. Investing in people can […]