Discipline: Healthcare

Ethics And Morality: What Is Ethics And Why Is Ethical Decision Making In Health Care Important?Ethics And Morality: What Is Ethics And Why Is Ethical Decision Making In Health Care Important?

On March 21, 2018, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill allowing patients the right to try experimental drugs prior to FDA approval. Discuss the ethical principles of beneficence (doing good) and of non-maleficence (avoiding causing harm) and issues of the morality of a legal system that delays research because of the legal rights […]

Quality Improvement Initiative Report: Process of Admitting Patients to the HospitalQuality Improvement Initiative Report: Process of Admitting Patients to the Hospital

I have added the whole assignment for reference. The part one is Done. Please follow the instructions for Part Two. Scenario You were recently hired at a healthcare organization to identify negative trends related to patient care and devise quality improvement initiatives. Since you only recently started working at this healthcare organization, you begin examining […]


I need to answers belows questions according to topic link  1.As seen in this article, Amazon is considering various health care initiatives to integrate within its company. How would you recommend them to take their ideas and concepts and implement them within a health care organization? Do you foresee any barriers for adoption? If so, […]

Reflect on the concept of “cancel culture” and its implications for free speech. Does the phenomenon of cancelling individuals or ideas undermine or enhance the principle of open dialogue and debate?Reflect on the concept of “cancel culture” and its implications for free speech. Does the phenomenon of cancelling individuals or ideas undermine or enhance the principle of open dialogue and debate?

Reflect on the concept of “cancel culture” and its implications for free speech. Does the phenomenon of cancelling individuals or ideas undermine or enhance the principle of open dialogue and debate?  I need: – Great full response to the question supported by credible and appropriate evidence –  Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are of a high […]

The Health Care Research Paper is academic writing based on an original published scientific investigation (2020-2021) of a particular physical and mental topic, analysis of gathered information, and interpretation of the research findingsThe Health Care Research Paper is academic writing based on an original published scientific investigation (2020-2021) of a particular physical and mental topic, analysis of gathered information, and interpretation of the research findings

• Overview: zThe Health Care Research Paper is academic writing based on an original published scientific investigation (2020-2021) of a particular physical and mental topic, analysis of gathered information, and interpretation of the research findings. It may focus on different aspects, such as public and community health, diet and nutrition, mental disorders, and ethical issues, […]

Hypothermia and hyperthermia and the relationship to healing, intraoperative thermal regulation devices, mechanisms of heat loss, and the actions designed to prevent heat loss or prevent overheating.Hypothermia and hyperthermia and the relationship to healing, intraoperative thermal regulation devices, mechanisms of heat loss, and the actions designed to prevent heat loss or prevent overheating.

1. 5-6 pages minimum (Excluding Title Page and Word Cited Page) 2. APA Format 3. 5-6 sources 4. In-Text Citation Required

Relationship between PMS and health-related quality of life among undergraduate nursing studentsRelationship between PMS and health-related quality of life among undergraduate nursing students

To investigate and describe the relationship between Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and  health-related quality of life (QoL) among undergraduate nursing students – Focus on (a) PMS in undergraduate nursing students and (b) QoL in undergraduate nursing students → The relationship between (a) and (b) – Describe (a), (b) and (c) respectively – Use literature to support

discuss why developing alternative strategic plans is important in order to meet the policy changes in the healthcare environment. In your paper, address the followingdiscuss why developing alternative strategic plans is important in order to meet the policy changes in the healthcare environment. In your paper, address the following

In the Module Two journal, you discussed external forces that could impact an organization’s strategic plan. After reflecting on your Module Two journal assignment, discuss why developing alternative strategic plans is important in order to meet the policy changes in the healthcare environment. In your paper, address the following: Explain the need for developing strategic […]


Read the article “Medical Tourism — A Growing retail Health Strategy” and answer the questions below. 1. In this article, new ways to receive medical care is discussed – types that relate directly to travel – that is medical care on cruise ships and in hotels. How do you see these types of medical care […]

Write a magazine article about the history of the first local health department in your county or state. Explain how the current health department programs help to improve the health status ofWrite a magazine article about the history of the first local health department in your county or state. Explain how the current health department programs help to improve the health status of

A magazineType: 2- to 3-Page Magazine Article Write a magazine article about the history of the first local health department in your county or state. Explain how the current health department programs help to improve the health status of the county’s residents through services provided. Give 2 to 3 examples. Which health department program needs […]