Discipline: Healthcare

Ministerial Briefing Report – investigation of a major issue in public health, and the development of a well-argued effective response to this issueMinisterial Briefing Report – investigation of a major issue in public health, and the development of a well-argued effective response to this issue

There is unequivocal evidence that children’s exposure to unhealthy food and beverage marketing is linked to childhood obesity in Australia. The Minister wants to be briefed on the topic. To what extent is this a problem for Australian children aged 5-17? What are the risks to the target population’s health? Are there strategies the Australian […]

Differentiate the legal and professional policies influencing healthcare Decisions.Differentiate the legal and professional policies influencing healthcare Decisions.

Scenario You recently joined American Nurses Association and volunteered to serve on a committee focused on health policy issues. A policy topic of concern for this committee is genetic discrimination. You offered to write a letter to your national legislator in your voting district addressing legal and professional policies associated with genetic discrimination. Instructions Write […]

Influencing policy by communicating with a legislator about a current health problemInfluencing policy by communicating with a legislator about a current health problem

Overview This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to practice influencing policy by communicating with a legislator about a current health problem. The letter should be in block format for a business letter, the letter may be more than one page.  You do need to support with evidence.  Cite your sources and include a […]

Describe one aspect of the health care industry that could be improved to decrease overall cost and increase quality of care.Describe one aspect of the health care industry that could be improved to decrease overall cost and increase quality of care.

Write a 250 word minimum to include the following bullet points: •Introduction (topic and why it needs to be improved) • How would you improve this aspect of health care to increase quality and decrease cost? •What impact do at least three of the key stakeholders have on healthcare cost, quality and the consumer experience […]

In discharged hospital patients that are quitting smoking, how does a hospital discharge program compared to outpatient cessation resources affect their ability to quit smoking.In discharged hospital patients that are quitting smoking, how does a hospital discharge program compared to outpatient cessation resources affect their ability to quit smoking.

Issue When patients are admitted into the hospital, there are some procedures and circumstances when they would be enrolled in a tobacco cessation program for the duration of their time at the hospital. At the point of discharging the patients, Niagara Region Public Health would like to better understand what is currently available for patients […]

The Impact of Stigmatization and Cultural Factors on the Behaviour of Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD in terms of Accessing Healthcare Facilities and Facing the Community : A Systematic Review.The Impact of Stigmatization and Cultural Factors on the Behaviour of Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD in terms of Accessing Healthcare Facilities and Facing the Community : A Systematic Review.

Students are required to submit a Journal Article that reports the findings from their Professional Project. The Journal Article should be presented in the style of the “Journal of Public Health” instructions for authors | Journal of Public Health | Oxford Academic (oup.com)Links to an external site.   Articles should contain the following sections: Cover Page Abstract […]

Understanding the need to expand practice among paramedics in the emergency room within the United States.Understanding the need to expand practice among paramedics in the emergency room within the United States.

I have gone back and forth with my chair prior to submitting to my committee, and the school reviewer mentions I am biased and should not use nurses to make my case. I am having a hard time with that because I do not see myself speaking against nurses but rather using one of their […]

You must select either ACOs or PCMHs for paper. Managed Health Care Delivery Models final paper discuss the origin and structure of managed health care delivery model. how your selected model has striven to contain the costs or improve theYou must select either ACOs or PCMHs for paper. Managed Health Care Delivery Models final paper discuss the origin and structure of managed health care delivery model. how your selected model has striven to contain the costs or improve the

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the following: Improving Medication Adherence in an ACO Primary Care Office with a Pharmacist Led Clinic: A Report from the ACORN SEEDDownload Improving Medication Adherence in an ACO Primary Care Office with a Pharmacist Led Clinic: A Report from the ACORN SEED Explaining Racial-Ethnic Differences in Hypertension […]

Many veterans of the Gulf War report debilitating illnesses that are unlike any described in medical textbooks. Can statistical methods be used to test what is going on here?Many veterans of the Gulf War report debilitating illnesses that are unlike any described in medical textbooks. Can statistical methods be used to test what is going on here?

 Many veterans of the Gulf War report debilitating illnesses that are unlike any described in medical textbooks. Can statistical methods be used to test what is going on here? Review the data presented in the attached peer reviewed  manuscript entitled Prevalence of Gulf war veterans who believe they have Gulf war syndrome: questionnaire study (see attachment […]


Hello,  This is the FEEDBACK from my instructor. The OUTLINE assignment, DRAFT rubric, dnp761 SYLLABUS,  are  attached here. The student handbook is also attached for your reference of how the project should be done.  New DNP project title: “OPTIMIZING WOUND CARE: DEVELOPING COMPREHENSIVE CLINICAL PATHWAYS FOR EFFECTIVE TREATMENT” FEEDBACK FROM INSTRUCTOR: “Good work on your […]