Discipline: Healthcare

Evaluate change management principles and models for their impacts on employee motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction.Evaluate change management principles and models for their impacts on employee motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Instructions   ***** please write the presentation up and i will do the recording part of this assignment*** Part 1 Instructions Develop a change management project to outsource the new employee onboarding process for your health care organization. Summarize the hypothetical details you would implement and apply a change management model. Describe the anticipated impact on […]

Apply principles of management needed to work in teams, build cross-functional teams, and facilitate collaborative decision making.Apply principles of management needed to work in teams, build cross-functional teams, and facilitate collaborative decision making.

Assignment: Team-Building and Communications Proposal You have just been hired as a consultant to the chief executive officer (CEO) of a health care organization. Your duty is to improve the management tools and practices needed to work in teams, build cross-functional teams, and facilitate collaborative decision-making. Instructions: You need to identify elements found in an […]

The Role of Health Informatics in Managing the Quality and Cost of Co-Morbid PopulationsThe Role of Health Informatics in Managing the Quality and Cost of Co-Morbid Populations

Task: Managing the quality and cost of co-morbid populations is one of the most challenging aspects of health leadership. In this assignment, you are challenged with selecting the data which will help manage Medicare populations. As health information exchanges (HIEs) progress at the state, federal, and nation levels, health leaders are tasked to develop analytics […]

he authors observe that empathy saves lives as well as money and time. I repeat — trust saves lives, money, and time. Your thesis statement should include this notion that empathy saves lives as well as money and time.he authors observe that empathy saves lives as well as money and time. I repeat — trust saves lives, money, and time. Your thesis statement should include this notion that empathy saves lives as well as money and time.

Include a reference page with references from required readings and other sources used in the development of your essay. Use APA style as a guide. Include APA style elements: Times New Roman typeface, 12-point font size, one-inch margins, uniform double spacing between lines, paragraphs, and elements, indenting the first line of every paragraph, paragraphs with […]

How does early detection of cardiovascular disease effect the timely treatment of African-American women in the metro Detroit area?How does early detection of cardiovascular disease effect the timely treatment of African-American women in the metro Detroit area?

USING THE EDP STYLE QUESTION ABOVE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS BELOW.  Create an MS Word Document for the submission.  Write out your approved EDP question.  Then identify at least three articles in the peer-reviewed literature that are related to it.  For this assignment, you may use review articles.  The purpose of these articles is to help inform you about what is known […]

Aspirational experiences are future experiences that excite our interest and motivate our actionsAspirational experiences are future experiences that excite our interest and motivate our actions

Aspirational experiences are future experiences that excite our interest and motivate our actions. Create a paragraph or two that outline an aspirational experience you think will motivate your followers. Make this initial post by Wednesday. Offer suggestions or ask questions to help other improve their paragraphs.

HA499-4: Operations: Apply best practices in decision making within the functional areas of healthcare management.HA499-4: Operations: Apply best practices in decision making within the functional areas of healthcare management.

Assignment: Resource Allocation For this assignment you will put yourself in the role of a CEO of a health care facility and evaluate two proposals recently made to you: The Creation of a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and an On-site Daycare free to employees. You have to determine where you should allocate resources. Define what you […]

Policy Analysis Assignment #1: Define the Problem and Identify Key Evidence on the Policy OptionsPolicy Analysis Assignment #1: Define the Problem and Identify Key Evidence on the Policy Options

INSTRUCTIONS  Define the Problem & Evidence on Policy Options 1. Can we frame the policy issue more broadly and have the NY policy example related to our selected case be only one of the possible options to consider (e.g., child food security instead of universal access to school meals)? — Yes, as long as you […]

proposal about one of these questions (Qualitative data) What challenges do students with a second language face in radiographer courses?proposal about one of these questions (Qualitative data) What challenges do students with a second language face in radiographer courses?

my proposal about one of these questions (Qualitative data) What challenges do students with a second language face in radiographer courses? Where can students with a second language get help to overcome language barriers in their radiographer studies? and my teacher told my to do (These seem fine although you can possibly take a broad […]

What is the current status of the debate over the role of the federal government in assuring healthcare for U.S. population?What is the current status of the debate over the role of the federal government in assuring healthcare for U.S. population?

 Provide annotations for two peer-reviewed articles related to the assigned topic. (Please see attached file for more detailed instructions, I will create the PowerPoint slides, I just need help with the annotating two peer-reviewed article as part of my annotated bibliography.   The Topic: What is the current status of the debate over the role of […]