Discipline: Healthcare

Prepare a 5-7 page environmental analysis of Jackson Health System addressing both the external and internal environments.Prepare a 5-7 page environmental analysis of Jackson Health System addressing both the external and internal environments.

Conduct a Swot and pest analysis – offerevidenced-based best practices in developing your recommendations for JHS. Use Porter’s Five Forces model and offered some specific examples and data to illustrate the nature and magnitude of the competition.  consider both the mission (why the organization exists) and the vision (what the organization aspires to), as well as their […]

American Healthcare – Address physician burnout and shortages in the United States. What are some of the causes, what are the potential solutions, how is it impacting availability of care in both urban and rural areas?American Healthcare – Address physician burnout and shortages in the United States. What are some of the causes, what are the potential solutions, how is it impacting availability of care in both urban and rural areas?

American Healthcare – Address physician burnout and shortages in the United States.  What are some of the causes, what are the potential solutions, how is it impacting availability of care in both urban and rural areas? 7 pages of full text.  please refer to attached grading rubric. 1.     The paper will be submitted in APA format […]

Emergencies have their own chaos and there are systems to reduce chaos in an emergency, such as the Incident Command System. Leadership is essential during emergencies and effective leadership is critical.Emergencies have their own chaos and there are systems to reduce chaos in an emergency, such as the Incident Command System. Leadership is essential during emergencies and effective leadership is critical.

 Emergencies have their own chaos and there are systems to reduce chaos in an emergency, such as the Incident Command System. Leadership is essential during emergencies and effective leadership is critical. Read the article, “Effective medical leadership in times of emergency: a perspective.“ The link is: https://disastermilitarymedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40696-016-0013-8 Discuss the following: What leadership characteristics do you think […]

The Role of Health Data Analytics in Managing and Supporting the Quality and Cost of Co-Morbid PopulationsThe Role of Health Data Analytics in Managing and Supporting the Quality and Cost of Co-Morbid Populations

Review the high-volume Medicare Data Scenario and down it Download down it. In this scenario, you are asked to work with a complex dataset of co-morbidity data of patients with three concurrent co-morbid conditions (Chronic Condition Triads: Prevalence and Medicare Spending). This assignment aims to show how data from health informatics systems can formulate useful information to improve […]

reaction paper after watching the video about Salt Sugar Fat – featuring Michael Mossreaction paper after watching the video about Salt Sugar Fat – featuring Michael Moss

Write a 2–3-page reaction paper after watching the video about Salt Sugar Fat – featuring Michael Moss (2 page minimum). Taking audiences on an eye-opening journey deep inside some of the world’s biggest and most successful companies, he offers audiences an illuminating and surprising look at the researchers, marketers, strategists, and CEOs who seduce us […]

Comparative of STD rates among african american and white residents in Fulton County, GAComparative of STD rates among african american and white residents in Fulton County, GA

Objective: Utilize vital statistics and other selected demographic measures in analyzing the health of selected populations.Process: 1. Go to “Oasis” http://oasis.state.ga.us2. Choose health topic: STD 3. Compare the data between African American and white people in Fulton country for ALL STD except Congenital Syphilis4. Write a critical analysis of population-based incidence and survival data through your research.6. Your analysis should be a minimum of 5 pages in length and include one additional […]

Factors affecting willingness to share electronic health data among California consumers.Factors affecting willingness to share electronic health data among California consumers.

• Please read the following article and then critique the literature review from this article.   • Follow the grading rubric provided below to write your critique.  Factors affecting willingness to share electronic health data among California consumers.
 Kim, Katherine K., Pamela Sankar, Machelle D. Wilson, and Sarah C. Haynes. BMC Medical Ethics 18, No. 1 […]

Legal and Ethical Challenges of Advance Directives: Ensuring Autonomy and Honoring End-of-Life WishesLegal and Ethical Challenges of Advance Directives: Ensuring Autonomy and Honoring End-of-Life Wishes

Complete a separate six page research paper. The research paper must meet the following criteria: a) each of the six pages should be double–spaced and in 12 point type, Times New Roman, b) a reference sheet (not part of the six pages) must be attached, c) the paper must be in APA style.  For example, text used in […]

Which group is more likely to use social media dr dating, millennials or gen z ?Which group is more likely to use social media dr dating, millennials or gen z ?

For this assignment you will write three analytical annotations using peer reviewed articles that are directly related to your chosen topic ( Which group is more likely to use social media for dating, millennials or gen z? ) On your cover page, please write your research question. Each annotation should be between 150-200 words. It […]

People who fake cancer for a benefit may have medical condition: psychiatrist: Faking cancer a medical condition?People who fake cancer for a benefit may have medical condition: psychiatrist: Faking cancer a medical condition?

upload the article and write a brief summary of the content of the article including the name of ther article and its author . Aurthor-Title People who fake cancer for a benefit may have medical condition: psychiatrist: Faking cancer a medical condition? Author Byrne, Ciara Publication title The Canadian Press; Toronto Publication year 2010 Publication date Nov 9, 2010 Dateline Toronto, […]