Discipline: Healthcare

economic impact of homelessness of adults with mental health issues within in the United Stateseconomic impact of homelessness of adults with mental health issues within in the United States

Examine the economic impact of homelessness of adults with mental health issues within in the United States. Discuss the negative influence of the problem on health outcomes.  Present the economic healthcare costs associated with the problem.  Examine interventions such as housing assistance with home care and others that have been implemented or are being implemented […]

A gap in efficiency related to rising cost of pharmaceuticals for the aging populationA gap in efficiency related to rising cost of pharmaceuticals for the aging population

In this milestone, you will identify and analyze an initiative that addresses the gap you chose as the topic for your final project. Explain what the initiative is, identify the goals of the initiative, describe the circumstances around its development, and identify sources of funding. Tip: You have been introduced to the Institute for Healthcare […]

Core Concepts of Strategy/Understanding Market Structure and Strategy- Pest analysisCore Concepts of Strategy/Understanding Market Structure and Strategy- Pest analysis

Choose two for-profit and two not-for profit hospitals, and identify their values, missions, and visions. Select a healthcare company with which you either are reasonably familiar ( I am familiar with NYU Langone Health) or on which significant public information is available and perform a PEST analysis on it. PEST – An anylitcal method of delivering […]

Research and provide a real-world example of when communication, media relations, and logistical supply chain contributed to the success or failure of a disaster (e.g., Hurricane Katrina) or epidemic (e.g., H1N1/swine flu)Research and provide a real-world example of when communication, media relations, and logistical supply chain contributed to the success or failure of a disaster (e.g., Hurricane Katrina) or epidemic (e.g., H1N1/swine flu)

1. Research and provide a real-world example of when communication, media relations, and logistical supply chain contributed to the success or failure of a disaster (e.g., Hurricane Katrina) or epidemic (e.g., H1N1/swine flu) 2. What does it tell you about the role of media relations and preparedness from logistics and supply chain considerations? 3. Discuss how […]


Respond to your colleague by offering a suggestion or resources to help your colleagues in addressing their  personal strengths or challenges, or their career goals. Use your research to support your suggestions.  ***SEE BELOW FOR POST TO RESPOND TO*** ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My expectations for this course include enhancing my knowledge of caring for patients across the lifespan by  providing safe, […]

How has Police Brutality against African Americans become a Public Health Issue?How has Police Brutality against African Americans become a Public Health Issue?

My dissertation is a Narrative Study associated with the qualitative method by conducting interviews and surveys, below  is the instructions along with the problem, purpose and research questions. Please revise if needed to ensure it aligns with  the narrative study topic and resesarch questions. For the Population and Sample, no more than a quantity of 8. For […]

evaluating the Advantages and Limitations of the U.S. Health Care Delivery System.evaluating the Advantages and Limitations of the U.S. Health Care Delivery System.

Understanding the Affordable Care Act and evaluating the Advantages and Limitations of the U.S. Health Care Delivery System. No country in the world has a perfectly balanced health care delivery system. Certain aspects of a healthcare system may be advantageous to some stakeholders, while presenting inefficiencies or challenges to other groups. The United States has […]

As part of the accreditation quality improvement initiative, you have must decide how you will communicate the information with your staff. Complete the following:As part of the accreditation quality improvement initiative, you have must decide how you will communicate the information with your staff. Complete the following:

As part of the accreditation quality improvement initiative, you have must decide how you will communicate the information with your staff. Complete the following: Provide 3 examples of how to effectively communicate statistical data outcomes. Include pictorial examples as an attachment or embedded within the body of the post. Which of the 3 examples that […]

Study topic: How is police brutality against African Americans become a public health issue?Study topic: How is police brutality against African Americans become a public health issue?

Research Design: Narrative Inquiry Research Method: Qualitative Research Topic: How is police brutality against African Americans become a public health issue? Create and state your problem statement, purpose statement and 3 research questions for your  dissertation/thesis as it relates to the research topic based on the research design. Attached is the Dissertation Guide which includes the alignment […]

Training Manual for Legal and ethical considerations in the implementation and maintenance of an electronic medical recordTraining Manual for Legal and ethical considerations in the implementation and maintenance of an electronic medical record

Create a Training Manual Outline: Topic:  Legal and ethical considerations in the implementation and maintenance of an electronic medical record.     Audience: HIM and IT Departments Every organization has the responsibility for training employees to ensure that they do their jobs properly, effectively and have the knowledge they need to operate in the work environment […]