Discipline: Healthcare

How can we reconcile the interests of the public, professional and private sectors to address the social determinants of health?How can we reconcile the interests of the public, professional and private sectors to address the social determinants of health?

Term Paper Instructions For your term paper you will be submitting a journal editorial based on your choice of one of two of topics (see below). Your term paper represents 25 % of your grade and is due Friday April 30th. Late submissions:  5 points per day. The assignment:  Editorials may have several purposes such as providing a concise […]

Hlth Concepts&Applic Written Assignment – The Dimensions of Health and Wellness Written AssignmentHlth Concepts&Applic Written Assignment – The Dimensions of Health and Wellness Written Assignment

You will be assigned a disease state by course instructor. Your objective for this assignment is to create a patient friendly flyer or infographic demonstrating how each aspect of the dimensions of wellness are implicated in the management of your assigned disease state. Include: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, occupational, financial, and community health. […]

Benefits are quite possibly one of the most important recruitment and retention tools that an organization has.Benefits are quite possibly one of the most important recruitment and retention tools that an organization has.

Benefits are quite possibly one of the most important recruitment and retention tools that an organization has. For this assignment, you are tasked to create a benefits package for employees at your local healthcare organization (this can be fictional). Address the following: Discuss and explain the mandatory benefits that organizations must provide to their employees. […]

Discuss 3 changes that have occurred regarding President Obama comprehensive health care reformDiscuss 3 changes that have occurred regarding President Obama comprehensive health care reform

View the video on the Rural Hospitals in Crisis.  Link to video:  https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/video/2021/feb/stranded-rural-hospitals-crisis  Use this resource (and at least 1 other) to discuss some of the changes that have occurred regarding the comprehensive health care reform implemented by former President Obama (the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare). Use of three (3) scholarly references

Give at least two examples of healthcare decisions labeled as rationing, but are actually not rationingGive at least two examples of healthcare decisions labeled as rationing, but are actually not rationing

Explain:   1. Give at least two examples of healthcare decisions labeled as rationing, but are actually not rationing 2. According to Petrozella, public conversation about abortion will not be successful until if finds what element? 3. List two ethics issues associated with human cloning.

You are a physician in a busy family practice. Even though you are busy, you want to comply with guidelines for addressing domestic violence issues in your practiceYou are a physician in a busy family practice. Even though you are busy, you want to comply with guidelines for addressing domestic violence issues in your practice

 You are a physician in a busy family practice. Even though you are busy, you want to comply with guidelines for addressing domestic violence issues in your practice. Your next patient is Jesse, a 14-year-old female whose complaint is severe headaches. While you are doing your physical examination, you notice bruising on Jesse’s arms and […]

When people continue to die without advanced directives, what is the most reasonable response for healthcare providers to make?When people continue to die without advanced directives, what is the most reasonable response for healthcare providers to make?

 1 . When people continue to die without advanced directives, what is the most reasonable response for healthcare providers to make? 2.List and explain three groups or documents that support health care as a fundamental right.

Artificial Intelligence in healthcare (see instructions for full description of topic)Artificial Intelligence in healthcare (see instructions for full description of topic)

It should be 8 pages (NOT including cover page and resources).  Written in APA format. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already influencing many different industries.  Healthcare is no exception. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will continue to increase in 2023.  Your Chief Operating Officer (COO) is exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence for the healthcare organization.  […]