Discipline: Healthcare

Healthcare Economics – why is healthcare in the US so expensive compared to other developed countries?Healthcare Economics – why is healthcare in the US so expensive compared to other developed countries?

Instructions will be attached in the files section. Please follow the rubric carefully. DO NOT USE INTERNATIONAL SOURCES. This has to be submitted on a plagiarism checker platform, so please ensure all work is authentic. Please use at least 6 DIFFERENT sources. Please use the textbook as a source (can be used more than once) […]

In this assignment, you will develop a formal paper (written using APA writing standards/style) that reflects the health care career choice you desireIn this assignment, you will develop a formal paper (written using APA writing standards/style) that reflects the health care career choice you desire

Section 1 (3 paragraphs): Write in first person narrative (essay) style Why did you choose this health care major (Health Science)? What is your motivation for this health career (Physician Assistant)? When did your motivation begin? When did you first realize you wanted this career? What about this profession is most interesting to you? Did […]

Health Belief Model (HBM), the Theory of Planned Behavior/Theory of Reasoned Action (TPB/TRA), and the Transtheoretical modelHealth Belief Model (HBM), the Theory of Planned Behavior/Theory of Reasoned Action (TPB/TRA), and the Transtheoretical model

Your colleagues develop a new theory about the social and behavioral aspect(s) of health. They ask for your opinion on whether it is useful before they share it with the academic community. Name and explain three criteria you might use to assess the adequacy of their new theory. WATCH VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/embed/0lavb0bHj44?wmode=opaque&rel=0https://www.youtube.com/embed/0lavb0bHj44?wmode=opaque&rel=0https://www.youtube.com/embed/0lavb0bHj44?wmode=opaque&rel=0https://www.youtube.com/embed/0lavb0bHj44?wmode=opaque&rel=0https://www.youtube.com/embed/0lavb0bHj44?wmode=opaque&rel=0

Literature Review on The Role of the Nursing Home Administrator with the Nursing DepartmentLiterature Review on The Role of the Nursing Home Administrator with the Nursing Department

because the topic is so broad, I would like for it to be generalized to the nursing department. You can go into infection control as well with the administrator and nursing department and how far the admin can go while still staying in the scope/role Your literature review assignment will consist of a minimum of […]

Analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications.Analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications.

Write a 4-6 page analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications. Introduction In your health care career, you will be confronted with many problems that demand a solution. By using research skills, you can learn what others are doing and saying about similar problems. […]

Deliverable 6 – Create a Presentation on Healthcare Innovation Strategies, Technology Improvement, Quality, and Cost in the 21st-CenturyDeliverable 6 – Create a Presentation on Healthcare Innovation Strategies, Technology Improvement, Quality, and Cost in the 21st-Century

Instructions As the leader of this healthcare organization, you have been invited to a healthcare symposium to discuss organizational learning, innovation, and change in healthcare organizations. You are requested to give a presentation on your organization’s changes for improvement, learning methods employed in the change process, and what innovations your organization used for the improvements. […]

Skin protectants and other methods to prevent bedsores and pressure ulcer in ELDERLY PATIENTSSkin protectants and other methods to prevent bedsores and pressure ulcer in ELDERLY PATIENTS

READ INFORMATION CAREFULLY Hello please use the capstone project poster and capstone project powerpoint presentation attached  to write a signature assignment evidence-based project implemetation (Capstone PRoject)all the information on the poster and presentation must be reflecting in signature assignment capstone project and other required information The total number of  pages is 15 excluding the appendix […]


topic  QUITTING TABACCO  PREVENTING PEOPLE TO STOP SMOKING TABACCO  Video should be attention seeking, engaging, and persuading your target audience to engage in a desired behavior. It should look like a video that you would see on social media. Topic for assignment: Choose a health topic for which you can provide a feasible action item […]

Utilize available resources to achieve objectives within a health care organization or systemUtilize available resources to achieve objectives within a health care organization or system

Your boss, the Director of Community Relations at a busy Ambulatory Healthcare Center, has asked you to fill in for him while he is on vacation and to host a meeting of community leaders. The goal of the meeting is to consider ways to disseminate important community health bulletins. Many cultures are represented at the […]

Final Paper Discussing; What did you learn about your plan and/or application materials?Final Paper Discussing; What did you learn about your plan and/or application materials?

For the three-page paper: I attached below called the reaction papers;  You will need to summarize a one-page paper for each of them. 1. The paper must describe the student’s short, intermediate, and long-run career goals. The student must also describe how those goals have changed throughout the student’s time as a major in the […]