What considerations will you take into account in preparation for drafting your policy ? Identify 3 factors that could pose a disaster threat to health information along with suggestions for disaster recovery. explain how you will be guided by the AHIMA Code of Ethics by specifically identifying the relevant ethics principles and interpreting it in […]
Discipline: Healthcare
healthcare research methods and healthcare statistics reflective learning assignmenthealthcare research methods and healthcare statistics reflective learning assignment
Look at the published article and read the background, methods, and results sections carefully. 1. Identify three aspects of the study design that you feel were strengths and threeaspects of the study design that you consider to be limitations. 2. Read the discussion section of the article and see whether the authors comment on particular […]
Mobile Health Clinics Can Be a Valuable Resource for Diagnosing Depression in Patients in Underserved CommunitiesMobile Health Clinics Can Be a Valuable Resource for Diagnosing Depression in Patients in Underserved Communities
I am a Nurse Practitioner – I want to implement the PH-Q9 Depression screen on the mobile unit. To diagnose and treat those patient of the rural/underserved communites—–My Background paper you wrote had a lot of good information on it. Also L6152008 paper was very informative as well. Instructions: Please begin to make an outline […]
The directions are below. Please let me know if you have any questions. There is a link below and that is all you will need to use for the assignment.The directions are below. Please let me know if you have any questions. There is a link below and that is all you will need to use for the assignment.
Choose one of the topics in Healthy People 2030. Explore your topic through the Healthy People website which is loaded with information. Your summary paper should include the current numbers/statistics and future goal numbers. It should also include the goals and objectives set by Healthy People 2030 and what interventions and resources are available. https://health.gov/healthypeople/about/healthy-people-2030-framework
Continuation of Business Plan. Please add more information on all income statements from the first plan included. Strictly include all bulleted points under sub-headings. Use the same sources from before and just add 1 or 2. MUST USE SAME SOURCES.Continuation of Business Plan. Please add more information on all income statements from the first plan included. Strictly include all bulleted points under sub-headings. Use the same sources from before and just add 1 or 2. MUST USE SAME SOURCES.
In this second and final portion of the project, you will create the remaining portions of your business plan and complete a capital budgeting plan. Your plan should include: A Financial Model Financial Projections Return on Investment (ROI) Managing the Cost of Capital Capital Budgeting Plan Manage the cost of capital in order to maximize […]
HA499-3: Interdisciplinary Integration: Apply principles of management needed to work in teams, build cross-functional teams, and facilitate collaborative decision making.HA499-3: Interdisciplinary Integration: Apply principles of management needed to work in teams, build cross-functional teams, and facilitate collaborative decision making.
Assignment: Team-Building and Communications Proposal You have just been hired as a consultant to the chief executive officer (CEO) of a health care organization. Your duty is to improve the management tools and practices needed to work in teams, build cross-functional teams, and facilitate collaborative decision-making. Instructions: You need to identify elements found in an […]
Addressing the Social Determinants of Health Through Medicaid Managed Care File Mark as doneAddressing the Social Determinants of Health Through Medicaid Managed Care File Mark as done
https://moodle.umo.edu/pluginfile.php/2054624/mod_resource/content/1/Medicaid.pdf Read that article attached in this unit titled Addressing the Social Determinants Through Medicaid Managed Care. In 1000-1250 words, summarize the article. In your summary, discuss some of the highlights and explain/ expand on those concepts using other sources, how Medicaid plans to reduce social determinants of health through its new managed care regulations. In your paper, cite at […]
Discussion Post 2 parts APA format -instructions provided Strick–3 peer responsesDiscussion Post 2 parts APA format -instructions provided Strick–3 peer responses
Module 6: Writing an Instructional Goal and Objectives In the Module 4: Designing a Collaborative Exercise assignment, you developed a case study. I would like you to go back to that case study, and think about what you would like to teach a classroom full of patients such as the one on the case study to […]
Healthcare Budgeting- create excel spreadsheet and word for problems with short answersHealthcare Budgeting- create excel spreadsheet and word for problems with short answers
see the attached case word document as well as the excel spreadsheet and instructions below: For the written portion of the case- please keep these concise. Rationales should be 2 pages or less (for the entire case) and executive summary to be half a page. Part 1 (this is basically going over the written portion […]
Business Plan : Demonstrate a sound foundational knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice in healthcare regarding administration, management, law, economics and policy.Business Plan : Demonstrate a sound foundational knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice in healthcare regarding administration, management, law, economics and policy.
Assignment: Business Plan Assignment Directions: For this Assignment, you are required to create a business plan and pitch deck for a hypothetical medical facility of your choice. You are responsible to present this plan to potential investors (venture capital firms) to request initial capital/start-up funding. The pitch deck should include information about your facility including […]