Discipline: Healthcare

Health policy assesment Paper on access on clean water for indigenous people in CanadaHealth policy assesment Paper on access on clean water for indigenous people in Canada

a health policy that directly affects the health of Indigenous peoples in what is currently Canada (NOTE: Students cannot use the Indian Act as a policy for their paper). The academic paper must be 5-6 pages, double spaced, follow APA format and have a minimum of 6 academic references.  TOPIC: Acess to clean water  The […]

How do social and environmental determinants lead to poorer health outcomes for Australians diagnosed with a mental health condition?How do social and environmental determinants lead to poorer health outcomes for Australians diagnosed with a mental health condition?

Please note the question is not asking for social determinants that can lead to mental health. However the essay should focus on individuals with a diagnosed mental health condition and how social and environmental factors can further exacerbate their mental health status OR lead to other poor health outcomes too. From the teacher: Breadth and […]

Shift work and fatigue in relation to staff well-being, lead to health issues and Professional Performance and SafetyShift work and fatigue in relation to staff well-being, lead to health issues and Professional Performance and Safety

6000 words , havard referances with citation with a minimium of 6 and no more that 12 res             This paper must include a search strategy and data bases used.These will be preferable,  Pubmed,proquest british medical journal and CINAHL. The journal reviewd will ne preferably uk or usa based.. The […]

Shift work and fatigue in relation to staff well-being, lead to health issues and Professional Performance and Safety in healthcareShift work and fatigue in relation to staff well-being, lead to health issues and Professional Performance and Safety in healthcare

6000 words , havard referances  with citation with a minimium of 6 and no more that 12 reseach papers based on more so on the english and usa This a more so a reseach review,             Define your main topic question and then; define 3 or more sub questions that […]

Race, Ethnicity, and Health Chronic diseases Week 5 Assignment: Chronic diseasesRace, Ethnicity, and Health Chronic diseases Week 5 Assignment: Chronic diseases

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, a chronic condition is a condition that is not cured once acquired (such as heart disease and diabetes). Choose any one of the following chronic diseases- hypertension or diabetes and answer: Tell me a little bit about the chronic disease you chose- what is it? Which racial/ethnic […]

What level of need does each situation belong when considering Maslow’s Hierarchy in terms of employee motivation and effective workplace environment?What level of need does each situation belong when considering Maslow’s Hierarchy in terms of employee motivation and effective workplace environment?

You are the Manager of the Outpatient Evaluation and Care Unit of Rockwood Memorial Hospital. Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (see page 618 to 621 of textbook and the PowerPoint) evaluate each of the following situations by considering the following: What level of need does each situation belong when considering Maslow’s Hierarchy in terms of […]

A critical analyses entails a comprehensive examination of key concepts and/or theories. Please critically analyze the following:A critical analyses entails a comprehensive examination of key concepts and/or theories. Please critically analyze the following:

Your paper must be 3-4 pages in length excluding references pages, 12p font, and double spaced. Separate all topics into individual headings for better flow and clarity. Adherence to APA guidelines must be demonstrated where appropriate. Your paper will include a critical analyses of the questions below. A critical analyses entails a comprehensive examination of […]

a healthcare related topic that is of personal interest (clinical, administrative, research, sales/promotion, patient education, etc.).a healthcare related topic that is of personal interest (clinical, administrative, research, sales/promotion, patient education, etc.).

Article Review (submitted in Assignments) Each student is required to submit a paper on a healthcare related topic that is of personal interest (clinical, administrative, research, sales/promotion, patient education, etc.). The article should be comprehensive and published within the past five years. The selected topic must be well-researched from applicable perspectives. Papers must be 4-5 […]

How does an imbalance in brain chemistry or poor nutrition relate to depression?How does an imbalance in brain chemistry or poor nutrition relate to depression?

Hello. This assignment is for my Research and Evaluation class. This annotated bibliography is for my research paper due at the end of the semester. My research topic is. ” Poor Nutrition as it relates to/ lead to depression. ”  ” How does an imbalance in brain chemistry or poor nutrition relate to depression?” Here […]

describe and discuss ONE global health innovation that has been deployed anywhere in the world. The paper should introduce the innovation, the problem that it addresses, and critically discuss its effectiveness, with reference to published evidence.describe and discuss ONE global health innovation that has been deployed anywhere in the world. The paper should introduce the innovation, the problem that it addresses, and critically discuss its effectiveness, with reference to published evidence.

For this exercise, the STAR format is recommended: SITUATION: Introduce the situational history, regional context, and problems that drove the global health innovation to start with. Set the scene carefully by describing the reasons why the problem was important. TASK: Examine the desired outcomes while taking into account the difficulties, circumstances, and variables. ACTION: Elaborate […]