This essay needs to discuss how the 1916 McMahon- Hussein correspondence, the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement, the 1917 Balfour declaration and the 1918 Anglo-French modus vivendi, were the foundation for allied occupation and empire formation in the middle east. how this led to the destruction of the ottoman empire. it also needs to discuss how the british […]
Discipline: History
How have American ideals and institutions withstood the challenges of the post-World War II years?How have American ideals and institutions withstood the challenges of the post-World War II years?
FINAL EXAM ESSAY approach this assignment as if it were an essay test, not a formal paper -You shouldn’t have formal citations because you shouldn’t have to look anything up. This is an essay test of what you know -NO CITATIONS -Write about events that occurred and people that were involved, any policies, laws, or […]
Analyzing the Events that Ignited Open Cold War Confrontation for Control over EuropeAnalyzing the Events that Ignited Open Cold War Confrontation for Control over Europe
I’ve already written my research essay proposal, which is attached. My thesis statement is as follows: This research aims to examine the key events that acted as catalysts, sparking open Cold War confrontation for control over Europe. By analyzing these events and their geopolitical implications, the study seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the factors […]
Reconstruction and the end of the Roaring Twenties, American democracy experienced tremendous expansion.Reconstruction and the end of the Roaring Twenties, American democracy experienced tremendous expansion.
In the decades between the start of Reconstruction and the end of the Roaring Twenties, American democracy experienced tremendous expansion. Members of traditionally marginalized racial, cultural, gender, and socioeconomic groups fought to achieve new ways to participate in American society, politics, and the economy. Write an essay that focuses on one or two of these […]
What were the European factors and developments that led to their ability and desire to explore, expand, and settle in the New World?What were the European factors and developments that led to their ability and desire to explore, expand, and settle in the New World?
500-700 words (you can see this count in the lower left of your Word document) Name, title, and bibliography do not count toward your word count. Put your name, date, and HST 117 in the upper left corner of the first page. Put your name and page number in the upper right corner (use headers/footers) […]
Primary Analysis Paper/ 500-600 word ct/ introduce the general topic and the source you will be writing about/ Next, write a paragraph that summarizes the source. Try to keep this brief, maybe ½ of a page etcPrimary Analysis Paper/ 500-600 word ct/ introduce the general topic and the source you will be writing about/ Next, write a paragraph that summarizes the source. Try to keep this brief, maybe ½ of a page etc
For this assignment, choose a primary source from those connected to our online textbook, The American Yawp. Im choosing this source here: Once you’ve chosen a source, your paper will follow a very simple 4 paragraph model: First, you’ll want to introduce the general topic and the source you will be writing about. This short intro […]
Exploring Historical Events and Their Impact on American History: A Study of the Elaine Massacre and Post-WWI ExperiencesExploring Historical Events and Their Impact on American History: A Study of the Elaine Massacre and Post-WWI Experiences
This is not an essay; it’s 6 questions that each needs a response with at least a 6 sentence minimum. Only use this source for what the instructions said you could use. Below this is the simplified version of the instructions. I’ll provide the real version of the instructions and the article down below. I […]
The distinctions between American idealism and the literary and visual realism of American lifeThe distinctions between American idealism and the literary and visual realism of American life
This assignment (at least three [3] pages in length) is, for the most part, an exercise in writing for a precise length, so the papers may not exceed three pages (on occasions, if you wish to write more [one-half to one page more] I will read it). All papers must be double-spaced, 12 pt. font […]
create an individual historical character for yourself relating to imperialism in the US during the end of the 19 century and start of the 20 centurycreate an individual historical character for yourself relating to imperialism in the US during the end of the 19 century and start of the 20 century
This assignment will have three parts that need to be submitted in one document. Part I–Create an individual historical character for yourself relating to imperialism in the US (for example, an infantry soldier, a native Hawaiian, a native Filipino, a native Puerto Rican, an American politician, etc.) during the end of the 19th century and […]
Chapter 9 3.What effect did industrialization have on American life? What were some of the important developments in transportation and the economy in the time period that Chapter 9 covers?Chapter 9 3.What effect did industrialization have on American life? What were some of the important developments in transportation and the economy in the time period that Chapter 9 covers?
Each prompt has a primary source that is related to the topic and chapter. Try your best to write in MLA format. The essay should be 300 or so words in length, 12-point Times New-Roman font, and double-spaced. Be sure to include references for where you get your information. In your response, include at least […]