Discipline: History

How did both women and African Americans participate in the progressive movement, and what were their main goals in this movement?How did both women and African Americans participate in the progressive movement, and what were their main goals in this movement?

How did both women and African Americans participate in the progressive movement, and what were their main goals in this movement? What were the major issues or concerns facing both groups in American society? What are the contrasting views or perspectives on the progress of African Americans between Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. […]

Research paper on the film 300 and how it actually compares to what it was representing, I have included the guide and rubric in the instructions.Research paper on the film 300 and how it actually compares to what it was representing, I have included the guide and rubric in the instructions.

Film Research Essay General Directions from the Syllabus:  For this essay, you will discuss the historical accuracy of a Hollywood film. Your instructor will post an approved list of films with some links on D2L. After choosing a movie, you will need to find three (3) academic journal articles or book chapters about the subject. […]

Did Congressional Reconstruction (1867-1877) fulfill the promise of a “new birth of freedom”?Did Congressional Reconstruction (1867-1877) fulfill the promise of a “new birth of freedom”?

Answer the question: 1. how Congressional Reconstruction differed from Presidential Reconstruction 2. Congressional Reconstruction’s political and policy accomplishments 3. The depth of commitment to white supremacy by many leaders in the North 4. The forces and trends that led to Congressional Reconstruction’s decline *Note: This is not a question about Andrew Johnson or Presidential Reconstruction […]

Use the Taino people, who lived in the Caribbean, as the basis for discussion of a chiefdom, an American chiefdom.Use the Taino people, who lived in the Caribbean, as the basis for discussion of a chiefdom, an American chiefdom.

Discuss societal structure, power relations, and how housing patterns reflected status.  Also, was job specialization greater among the Taino than was the case with the villagers of Catal Huyuk or of late Ibo society?  If so, tell how.  Discuss how the Taino obtained their food.  Discuss how religious practices reflected status differences.  Finally, analyze the […]

Annotated Bibliography of the Rise of Fidel Castro through his Student political movementAnnotated Bibliography of the Rise of Fidel Castro through his Student political movement

The paper’s thesis isnt established entirely. It will be along the lines of; How did Fidel Castro’s student politics help him gain popularity and support with the cuban people. What other platforms did Castro use to gain further support and eventually mobilize citizens to revolt. Goal: In this assignment, you will articulate your subject, question, […]

essay based on the book, Randy J. Sparks, The Two Princes of Calabar: An Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Odyssey.essay based on the book, Randy J. Sparks, The Two Princes of Calabar: An Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Odyssey.

 Essay Question:  How do you interpret the return of the Robin Johns to Old Calabar?  Why would two men return to being merchants in the Atlantic slave trade after being  enslaved themselves?  essay must be 5-7 pages long ,using a 1-inch margin on each side of the page,double-spaced, and in 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman).Citation […]

What were the three most important things you learned in/from this class? (One must be historical: person, event, thing). Why were they the most important? And, how will you apply at least one of those three as you move forward in your academic careerWhat were the three most important things you learned in/from this class? (One must be historical: person, event, thing). Why were they the most important? And, how will you apply at least one of those three as you move forward in your academic career

What were the three most important things you learned in/from this class? (One must be historical: person, event, thing). Why were they the most important? And, how will you apply at least one of those three as you move forward in your academic career? Produce a self-reflective essay. Think holistically. Be metacognitive. Don’t forget to […]

he Pueblo Revolt of 1680: Conquest and Resistance in Seventeenth-Century New Mexicohe Pueblo Revolt of 1680: Conquest and Resistance in Seventeenth-Century New Mexico

According to Knaut from the book, ” The Pueblo Revolt of 1680: Conquest and Resistance in Seventeenth-Century New Mexico”, how were Pueblos, over an eighty year period, able to retain a degree of control over their lives and traditional ceremonies in spite of Franciscan efforts to assimilate and control them? In answering, include specific details […]

Why did the Salem Witch Trials happen, and why are they more important than other executions of alleged “witches” between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries?Why did the Salem Witch Trials happen, and why are they more important than other executions of alleged “witches” between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries?

Essay #3 Why did the Salem Witch Trials happen, and why are they more important than other executions of alleged “witches” between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries? Book 1: Title:  Our History:  A Survey of United States History, Volume One – To 1877 Edition:  Version 1.0           Author:  Steven M. Gillon  […]

main question is Did more kinds of people see more human difference or less human difference over the course of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries?main question is Did more kinds of people see more human difference or less human difference over the course of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries?

Writing assignment #1, 4 pages, due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, September 26 •  Your lecture notes from Weeks 2, 3, and 4 (not week 5). •  Primary source documents on the course website from Weeks 2, 3, and 4 (not week 5). •  Increase Mather,  A Brief History of the Warr with the Indians in New-England, […]